You Can Get Adorable Mini Lemon And Lime Trees Delivered Right To Your Door

Photo credit: Via Citrus - Instagram
Photo credit: Via Citrus - Instagram

From Delish

We've all been there: You're mixing up the perfect bowl of guacamole or shaking a delicious gin and tonic and your last lime is rock-hard and totally unusable. If only you happened to have your very own citrus tree lying around...and now you CAN.

Via Citrus, previously reported on by Simple Most, is a totally genius idea. The company sells mini potted citrus trees that you can get delivered to your door. You can choose from a mini Meyer lemon, Key lime, or Calamondin (which is a hybrid that's half mandarin orange and half kumquat) tree so you always have delicious citrus on deck.

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If you're someone like me who always tries to have plants around, why not make those plants useful? Make them pull their weight! These mini trees start at $65 and can be up to $80 if you want that truly chic white pot (that's made from completely recycled plastic!) that you see in the photos on their Instagram. Let's be real, we all do.

The plants grow to be about 18-22 inches tall and six-to-eight inches wide depending on the season. They also need a lot of sunlight (minimum six-to-eight hours per day!) so the company also sells grow lights if you need one.

There are just few other things you should not before diving in: The company ships from their farm on Monday and Wednesday mornings only so plan your life accordingly! Also lemon and lime trees are on the ASPCA's list of plants that are toxic to animals, so keep that in mind too.

But that's it! Feel free to take a cruise around their site and fantasize about allll the delicious dishes you can cook up using these babies...and all the cute Instagrams you'll take. If they happen to be sold out or you're looking for a little bit of a cheaper option, be sure to call your local garden center or farms and see if they offer anything similar.

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