Adorable Mini Dachshund Trying to Walk in Socks Is Breaking the Internet

Have you ever stumbled across a TikTok that literally made you laugh out loud? It happens to me often, but this video that Rolo the mini dachshund's humans posted at the beginning of December 2023 might be my all-time favorite! It's off the charts on the cuteness meter!

Rolo is just a puppy and he's still learning all about his new world. He hates being cold, so his parents decided to get him some socks to help keep him warm. They set him down on the floor so he can try them out, and his first few steps in his socks are the cutest thing you'll see today (and maybe all week!)

I can't even with how cute @Rolo is! My family is not even looking to get a dog, but I would take a mini-Dachshund in a heartbeat! He's beyond adorable and now I want one! I wasn't the only one who was captivated with all of this cuteness. The video has nearly 19 million views, 3 million likes, and almost 8 thousand comments. People were in love! @Curly Girl AZ got over 24 thousand likes for her comment, "Just like a baby, kicking the socks off." I laughed at @MissKris' comment, "He's like why feet no work?" And @hannahjgould got over 66 thousand likes when she shouted, "HE'S TOO SMOL!!!!!!!"

Related: Mini-Dachshund’s Master Plan to Escape the Yard Is Hilariously Halted in Viral Video

Do Mini-Dachshunds Make Good Pets?

There's no doubt that mini-Dachshunds (AKA wiener dogs) are adorable, but do they make good pets? As with every dog breed, there are pros and cons to making one a part of your family. These dogs are known to be very loyal and affectionate. Because they are small, they are perfect for those with small spaces (apartments) or who are looking for an indoor dog. They're playful and love long walks and snuggles just the same. They get along well with other pets and with children and grow strong bonds with their humans.

They sound like the perfect pet, right? There are some cons, and they can be big ones for some families. This breed is known to be stubborn, so training and housebreaking can be difficult and take longer than with other breeds. They're also very vocal...meaning they love to bark. They don't realize just how small they are and tend to be bossy and like to be in charge. They are pretty active and can get bored if they're left alone for too long, so it's important to have toys and other things to keep them busy. They're also not fans of cats, so if you have a cat, this is probably not the dog for you. And unfortunately, they do have some health issues and that means they can have some expenses that people don't expect to have to deal with.

All that being said, I still think they're adorable and would consider one for my family.... that is, if I can find the patience for all of that additional training! Maybe we'll just stick with our pet rabbit instead.

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