Adorable Beagle's Fear of 'The Grinch' Is Too Funny and Relatable

It's not our favorite holiday movie, either.

We've all got our favorite Christmas movies, but we've also all got movies we'd choose to never watch again. For @winston_thebeagle, that movie is definitely the live-action version of 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas.' We'll admit--the Grinch character is unsettling, to say the least, but this beagle's fear is on a whole other level!

This year, his mama is determined to help Winston see how harmless the Grinch really is. She's equipped with blankets, snacks, and plenty of patience as she sits down with her pup to try watching the movie yet again.

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LOL! Oh, Winston. We're so curious how this fear of the live-action Grinch came to be, but we're even more proud of him for starting to face his fears. Even commenter @vvyvance said, "props to Winston. I’m scared of the live-action version, too." It's a weird movie, right?

"He’s like 'is he still there? Mom. Tell me when he’s gone," @gracereily1 wrote. That's so true! He couldn't even bring himself to look at the Grinch for the longest time, and it was honestly pretty funny. 

@user9311110313010 said, "He looks betrayed at the end. 'Mother, why would you ever think I’d like this movie?!'” LMAO!  Just when we thought all hope was lost, Winston's mom comes back with a sequel to the video. 

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He did it! We knew this brave guy could make it through the movie with some encouragement from his mom. Snacks, of course, never hurt either. Besides, the full movie experience includes something to munch on!

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