Adopting Rescue Dogs is Officially the Best Use of Tinder Ever

The swipe-left-swipe-right dating culture is not the most romantic, but every once in a while someone finds a way to harness the power of hook-up culture for good. Over the weekend Social Tees, a New York-based animal rescue organization, launched Puppy Love. The organizers created puppy dating profiles that resulted in over 1500 matches in the first 24 hours (so adorable we are hyperventilating). Like many users, the puppies had to lie about their ages (though mostly for search purposes.) For example, an 8-week-old puppy named Amory became a flirty, 27-year-old. The results are heart-melting. Swipe right everyone.

We love this Tinder hack even more than guy-who-pretended-to-be-a-cupcake, and with the stunt resulting in real adoptions comes proof that the app can be used for lasting relationships. If any of you Tinderers adopt a dog, tweet us a picture using #FWx