Addressing the leaf blower racket

Now with a little more time on our hands and the weather not too hot yet, we like to spend a little time on the poolside. Grab a book or soft music and relax... But then, enters the leaf blower with its annoying and polluting noises and fumes. I think it's time to follow Palm Springs in banning gas leaf blowers!

The city should help gardening companies to switch to electric machinery. We could exchange some old equipment for some electric ones, give the gardeners some time to adjust, say three to six months and then hold them accountable. What is the point in living in a little paradise like the desert and have it spoiled with that all day ear-piercing racket?

Pascal Lallemand, Palm Desert

Addressing the homeless crisis takes a multifold approach

Great sums of money have been thrown at the homelessness problem by federal, state, and local governments with little success. The problem is only getting worse. For too long the government has thrown money at the problem. The money has been pilfered and squandered on programs without any accountability. The unhoused clients have not had their needs met let alone solved. Overnight shelters are only a Band-Aid to the solution.

One size does not fit all, the unhoused have many needs, social skills, mental and physical health, drugs, employability skills and the special needs of the veterans. There are many creative models, but none will work until housing becomes available. A strong partnership between state and local government leaders, businesses, churches, various organizations, and community groups must collaborate to solve local homelessness. They must develop a comprehensive plan that can service the clients’ needs in the most direct, efficient, and economical way possible. Accountability is primary.

In conclusion, there are many fragmented efforts being made with little real success. Let us bring these efforts together for the common good.

Don Dietz, Desert Hot Springs

State’s rights weaken the United States

It is common knowledge that groups have more power than individuals. That is why workers try to form unions. So, people who advocate for state rights (whatever their rationale) are advocating to weaken the United States of America.

Thomas Gottlieb, Rancho Mirage

Where were the demonstrators when Russia invaded Ukraine?

I find it truly scary (and very disturbing) that thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators took to the streets and campuses to protest Israel's war in Gaza and yet almost three years ago, Russia, unprovoked invaded Ukraine. Where were the demonstrators and campus sit-ins then? Russia kidnapped thousands of children, bombed and killed civilians relentlessly and completely destroyed everything in the cities when they took over. Is it possible the reason is that the Ukrainians are white and Christian and the Palestinians are not?

Michael Saint-Just, Rancho Mirage

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Addressing the leaf blower racket