For Added Texture To Your Candied Carrots, Don't Forget Nuts

glazed carrots in white ceramic dish on dish towel
glazed carrots in white ceramic dish on dish towel - Manyakotic/Getty Images

There are a lot of ways to prepare a carrot, which is nice because they're readily available at any supermarket and offer a pretty good bang for your buck. From a culinary standpoint, this vegetable is pretty complex. It's all things peppery, vegetal, and sweet, making it a natural match for any combination of herbs, spices, and sauces. But if you're looking for a dish that's elegant, complex, and a hands-down crowd-pleaser, then you've got to try candied carrots.

As the name suggests, these tasty morsels possess all those beneficial nutrients and classic carrot flavor — just with an extra hint of sweetness. The only thing they lack is a bit of texture, which is why you should consider sprinkling a crunchy nut topping over your next batch. This addition not only gives the dish some extra bite but also contributes a pop of toasty flavor that really complements the carrot.

Read more: 12 Vegetables And Fruits That Used To Look Very Different

Creating The Ultimate Crunchy Candied Carrots

candied roasted carrots with nuts
candied roasted carrots with nuts - Sveta_zarzamora/Getty Images

Candied carrots are simple to execute and unquestionably delicious. That being said, there's also some flexibility as to how to prepare them. One method involves caramelizing the carrots in the oven, which typically yields a drier, more roasted final product. Another technique is to glaze the vegetables on the stovetop using a mixture of butter, sugar, salt, and water. This process will result in carrots that are shiny, moist, and tender.

After your carrots are sufficiently glazed or caramelized, you can start topping them with nuts and other accouterments. To take them in a North African direction, go with pistachios and pomegranate seeds. For something more Mediterranean, try walnuts and feta cheese. Not interested in either, go with pine nuts, pecans, hazelnuts, or peanuts.

Toasting the nuts in a pan or toaster oven will help deepen their flavor and add more nuance to the final dish. When plating, it's okay to leave some of the nuts whole to elevate the presentation, but try giving a majority of them a rough chop before sprinkling over the plate to help sufficiently cover the carrots and create that perfectly crunchy balanced bite.

Additional Ways To Amp Up Your Candied Carrots

roasted carrots on a plate with almonds
roasted carrots on a plate with almonds - Harrison Weston-Cottrell/Shutterstock

Now that you know the basics of candied carrot cookery, it's time to add in some variations. When it comes to sweeteners, you have a lot of options beyond simple white sugar. Brown sugar contributes a deep note of molasses, while maple syrup adds a distinct flavor that can be quite nice when matched up with sliced dates, pecans, and cinnamon. Honey is also a sensible addition, especially paired with fresh herbs, like thyme, mint, tarragon, or rosemary.

After topping your carrots with a sprinkling of nuts, herbs, spices, dried fruits, and more, you'll want to consider some base sauces or spreads for those carrots to rest upon. A creamy tahini sauce provides a deep nutty flavor, while some seasoned Greek yogurt offers a cool and refreshing counterpoint. Sticking with dairy, whipped ricotta, feta, or mascarpone all lend an interesting textural contrast to the soft and crunchy vegetables. Even a bed of hummus or baba ghanoush could be used to contribute another dimension of taste and texture.

But let's be honest, nothing creates a sweeter harmony than a topping of toasted nuts on candied carrots.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.