I Added the LUNA 3 by FOREO Sweden to My Post-Workout Routine and My Face Has Never Been Happier

Fact: Not all beauty products are created equal, and my sensitive skin has paid the price over the years. Everything from the wrong sunscreen formula to overly strong astringents have done a number on my skin barrier. But since I have grown, learned and been burned (uh, literally), I’m now extra careful with what comes into contact with my skin.

My sensitive skin is a big reason why gym workouts unfortunately fell to the wayside for me. I didn’t feel like it was worth it to be drenched in sweat due to the resulting irritation and breakouts that would inevitably appear. So I canceled my studio membership and instead downloaded workout apps that I could do in my living room…a location in close proximity to my shower where I could remove the grime before it had a chance to settle (you know how it is in locker rooms—there’s always a line for the shower). The only problem was that I craved the group environment to stay motivated, and frankly, it sucked missing out on my favorite hot yoga class. But I did it for the sake of my skin.

Despite my hard-to-please complexion, I am a beauty fiend and I try everything I can afford. So when the LUNA 3 by Swedish brand FOREO blipped onto my radar, I got my hands on a purple one—made specifically for sensitive skin—and gave it a test run. The LUNA 3 comes in three versions, in three different colors for the three different kinds of hypoallergenic silicone bristles: purple LUNA, with the smallest and softest bristles for sensitive skin; pink LUNA, with a combination of small and medium bristles for normal skin; and blue LUNA for combination skin, with a larger surface of medium bristles. I loved the feel of it from the minute those antibacterial silicone bristles touched my face. They don’t accumulate bacteria like other cleansing brushes made from nylon, so you don’t have to buy replacement heads for the brush (you also rarely have to charge it, because the battery lasts so long). The device pulsates rather than scrubs to break down any oil and dirt in your pores, and the soft bristles—they call them touchpoints—remove said oil and dirt. My skin felt clean and soft after using it, and in no way was it irritating.

And that was just the cleansing side. Flip it over and you’ll see ridges in a different wavy shape. This is the massage side. I downloaded the FOREO Sweden app so I could use the four massage routines (it connects via Bluetooth) that are designed to tighten, sculpt and improve skin tone. They recommend always using a serum, oil or moisturizer while you massage to help those products better absorb so you get the most benefit from them. It felt super indulgent and is definitely a nice self-care bonus for the times when you have a couple extra minutes to spare. The app also lets you play around with its 16 extra pulsation options so you can create your own settings. (Watch this video for exact instructions on how to use it.)

Combined with my favorite cleanser, this new tool was like a dream come true—a dream that could fit into my gym bag and barely take up any space. I tested it for the next few weeks and, to much my surprise, I liked it so much that I booked a hot yoga class just to see what would happen. I hit the locker-room shower post-workout with the tool in hand, using only a few drops of face wash and my moisturizer. I massaged each part of my face per the automatic timer (it lets you know when to switch sections) and ran it over my chest for good measure. (Pro tip: When you use the LUNA to apply moisturizer, serum or cleanser, you can use a smaller amount since your hands and fingers aren’t absorbing the product too). The result? No second-day zits. No dryness from overdoing it with exfoliating acids and serums. Just that post-workout glow—a combination only hot vinyasa and FOREO Sweden can provide.

The best part? It wasn’t just a first-time thing. It kept working (in fact, I’ve only had to charge it once since then) and it is now a staple in my post-exercise routine. Needless to say, I recommend it for anyone who’s been struggling to choose between a good sweat and good skin.

TRY IT ($199)