How to Actually Make Your Online Dating Profile Stand Out. Hint: It’s All in the Bio

Photo credit: Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Esther Faciane

From Cosmopolitan

Flaunting some thirst traps in your online dating profile can almost always guarantee tons of swipe rights-hey, it’s Tinder after all!

But I’m going to let you in on a tiny little secret: Having a good bio is what could take your Tinder profile from, “Eh, I might as well swipe right” to an “Omg, I pray to God that this amazing human also swipes right on me.”

So, how do you go about making your bio so good people are praying to God (or Beyoncé, or whatever else they’re into) they match with you? You study this article like it’s your new Holy Grail.

We chatted with four incredible dating experts about how to create the perfect Tinder bio. Read along and prepare to be swimming in an endless sea of matches.

1. Know what you want and don’t be shy about it.

“Start by asking yourself what your goal is,” suggests Tinder’s former global ambassador, Darcy Sterling, PhD. “Are you looking for a LTR? A hookup? If your answer is the latter, are you open to a LTR if you meet the right person, or is it a firm no?” she asks.

Your answers to these questions should inform how your entire bio is structured-the language you use, how much information you share, and the kind of information you share.

Photo credit: Cosmopolitan
Photo credit: Cosmopolitan

Find a cute way to incorporate what you’re looking for, like by saying you want a partner-in-crime to walk your Frenchie, or you want someone to HBO and chill Game of Thrones with you. Be specific. “If you don’t know what you’re looking for, how will anyone else?” Sterling asks.

2. Keep it (mostly) about you.

While Sterling encourages you to mention your dating purpose in your bio, celebrity dating coach and host of Man Whisperer podcast Laurel House suggests keeping your profile mostly you-centric.

“You can determine who your match is by looking at their profile. Your profile should be about you,” says House.

Include a list of your favorite activities, what you can be seen doing on Sunday mornings, and what movie you’re totally coveting right now.

3. But remember, this isn’t your memoir.

“Obviously, there’s a limit on how much you can write, but don’t try to cram a ton of content into that small space,” warns matchmaker and dating coach Claire AH. “Focus on an idea or two instead of trying to sum up everything about you.” Let’s be honest, who really has that much time to read 5000 words on why you’re the perfect match anyway?

4. Differentiate yourself.

“Your bio is real estate. Use it-all of it-to distinguish yourself from the masses,” advises Sterling. “Give potential matches some information that they can use to determine their interest. Tell them what you do when you’re not at work. Let your personality show in how you express yourself.”

And more specifically, Brooke Sprowl, LCSW, owner of My LA Therapy and author of the upcoming book, Why You Should Date Emotionally Unavailable Men, says sharing your neuroses, pet peeves, and random quirks that make you different make you more endearing to matches. (Translation: It’s okay to mention that you snort every time you laugh.)

5. Give your matches something to work with.

“The details should be interesting, focused, and lend themselves to be conversation starters,” says House.

For example, maybe prompt a question at the end of your bio that allows someone to directly respond to you like, “If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?” or “If you could have lunch with any person-living or dead-who would it be with?” Keep the questions open-ended so you’re not stuck replying to a yes or no response.

6. Don’t be afraid to throw some jokes in there.

“Be witty,” suggests Sprowl. “People love a sense of humor, so the more you can show your cleverness in your profile, the more you’ll stand out from the crowd.”

That being said, don’t sweat it if you’re not a jokester. “Be funny if you’re funny, but don’t force it,” says AH. “You don’t have to be clever, or well-read, or really accomplished to meet someone nice.”

7. Use spell-check.

“Seriously, run a spell-check, use Grammarly, or do both,” says Sterling. “How you do anything is how you do everything. Make sure your personal standards come across in your bio.” In other words, if you stan someone who knows the difference between “there” and “they’re,” your bio should uphold the same grammar standards.

8. Vet your matches with a fun little quiz.

Sterling suggests getting to know your matches by creating your own little compatibility quiz at the end of your bio. “Not only does it show that you’re clever, it helps potential matches know where to start a conversation,” she says. “Pick a topic that’s both light-hearted and which will also give you insights into your match. Then use that topic to make your quiz.”

Try asking a question like, “Which breakfast dish describes you?”

Now, would you look at that. Do you smell that smoke? Probs just your Tinder blowing up with new matches!

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