How to Actually Kick Your Bad Habits (And Why Breaking Them is More Important Than You Think)

Plus: Why goals don’t work, and why your to-do list is wrecking your ability to do anything.

You might not spend much time thinking about your habits. They are, after all, mindless. James Clear, on the other hand, has made something of a living on it. His newsletter on human behavior has nearly 500,000 subscribers and more than 10,000 people have enrolled in The Habits Academy, a course he designed for people trying to incorporate better routines and practices into their lives. He's also the author of the new book Atomic Habits.

One of his big takeaways is a bit unsettling when you consider all the habits you’ve sworn to kick (but haven’t), and all the habits you’ve really been meaning to start (but haven’t): habits, multiplied by time, equal the person you eventually become. That sounds dramatic, but think about it. In a year, the difference between a person who does 10 push ups a day and a person who eats one bag of Doritos is that one person has done 3650 push ups and one person is sad. The point is: habits compound. Which is great if you have good habits—and not so good if you have bad habits.

One of the things you get at in the book is why a goal is maybe not the motivating force we believe it to be. What are some of the shortcomings of goals?
For many years, I was a very goal-oriented person. So this is coming from someone who set a lot of goals and thought that was the way to try to achieve things. What I think they are is directionally accurate: good for determining where you wanna direct your attention and energy. But after that's been decided, it's more useful, usually, to put the goal on the shelf.

Even if you set a goal and you achieve it, [it] only really changes your life for the moment. For many years I thought, "Oh if my business just could get featured in the New York Times, then I'd be set." And then that ended up happening a couple times, and it was in a spike for a week, and then everything went back to normal.

Part of that is a natural outcome of living in a society where results are the focus. The news cycle is always going to be about results. You're never going to see a story that's like, "Man Eats Chicken and Salad for Lunch Today." It's only a news story when six months later: “Man Loses 100 Pounds.” Social media just exacerbates that problem with everybody sharing their results and highlights of their life.

The results are not what we need to change—it’s the process behind the results. And it's the habits and systems that naturally lead those outcomes that is the more effective place to direct our time, attention, and energy. True long-term thinking is goalless thinking. Goals are about winning this instance of a game. Systems are about continuing to play the game. And I think any master, whether it's in sports or elsewhere, has this deep commitment to continuing to play the game.

"True long-term thinking is goalless thinking. Goals are about winning this instance of a game. Systems are about continuing to play the game."

One of the most common questions I get is, “How long does it take to build a habit?" And the assumption behind that question is, "How long does it take until I can stop working? How long until I don't have to put effort in anymore?” The honest answer is forever. Because if you stop doing it, then it's no longer a habit. And so we need to start looking at changes like this as a lifestyle to be lived, and not a finish line to be crossed.

What would you say to people who do have a system in place, who then don't achieve the type of success they’d hoped to?
Yeah. So luck and randomness play a role in life. [But] you really need to close the feedback loop on a lot of stuff. You need a process of reflection and review, so that you can refine it. I broadly lump habits into two categories. The first category are things that I guess we’d call daily fundamentals. Once you build them, you don't really need to think about it anymore. Tying your shoes, or brushing your teeth, or unplugging the toaster after each time you use it. I don't need a process of continuous improvement for tying my shoes, right?

But then there's a second category that you do really care about endlessly refining and getting better at. Some of the ones for me: weightlifting, photography, and writing. Measurement is usually a more immediate thing. So after each set in the gym, I have a workout journal I write down what set I did, how many reps, and how much weight. But then I have an annual review at the end of each year.” For writing, it's how many new articles I've published, total traffic, how that compared to the prior year. And that lets me get my head around what my habits actually were this year.

And then six months later, I do the integrity report, and that's a chance for me to say—this comes back a little bit more to identity—what are my principles? What are my values, What do I say is important to me? And then how did my actions line up, or not line up with those?

That's really important from a long term standpoint, because I don't know that you're gonna find anybody who says, "Oh I don't have integrity." Pretty much everybody thinks they have integrity. And it's not that often that there's one grave mistake that wrecks you. It's usually a bunch of, just this one exception—"Well, this time it's a little bit different." And then you turn around five or ten years later and your habits aren't lining up with the type of person that you thought you were.

I think some people would say, "Oh that sort of makes it into a sort of job, and takes the fun out of it." Versus just having it be a recreational activity where I blow off some steam.
First of all, not every area of your life needs to be some competition where you're looking to upgrade everything. We all have a few areas where we do care about getting better. And so maybe those methods apply more effectively there. But the second thing is: it's kind of how you frame it. If you look at optimization and improvement as something that feels like a hassle, then yeah, that's not gonna be that enjoyable. But one of the most motivating, one of the most inspiring feelings is the feeling of progress. If you're getting better at something, that feels really good.

One thing I wanted to get into is compounding habits, that small changes now can lead to huge lifestyle changes down the line. Have you found effective ways to help yourself to take that long view?
I do think that's how habits work, this idea that the same way money multiplies through compound interest, the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them over time.

The cardinal rule of behavior change, as I lay out in the book, is that behaviors that are immediately rewarded get repeated—like eating a Reese's cup: it’s chocolate-y, it's peanut buttery, it's tasty, it's enjoyable. Behaviors that are immediately punished get avoided—like going to the gym: it takes effort and energy, you sweat, it's hard. And so there are two ways to look at this. The first is, how do we add some pain to the bad habits? But the second is, how do we add some enjoyment, or satisfaction to the good ones?

For the good habits, I think that people [who have them] appear to be successful at delaying gratification. So: "Oh, you go to the gym four days a week. You must be really good at delaying gratification. You won't be fit for a few months, you won't lose weight for a little while, but you're still showing up every day.” And from the outside that looks like, “They have perseverance, and willpower, and grit.” But it doesn't feel like that to the people who go to the gym a lot. What it feels like is, "Oh great I get to move my body for a little bit, or I get to go outside, or I get to hang out with some of my friends at the gym, or go on a run with them."

"Pretty much everybody thinks they have integrity... And then you turn around five or ten years later and your habits aren't lining up with the type of person that you thought you were."

They're much more thinking about the immediate benefit associated with the task than delaying gratification for the long term one. I mean the ultimate form of the immediate gratification is the reinforcement of your desired identity. So if you feel like as soon as you go to the gym you're reinforcing, "Oh I'm the type of person who works out," then you can feel satisfied as soon as you get there.

And that's a big benefit in the long run. Because it's one thing to say, "I'm the type of person who wants this." But it's very different to say, "I'm the type of person who is this." And once you adopt that identity... you really have every reason in the world to continue. You're not even really pursuing behavior change any more. You're just acting on an alignment with the type of person that you already believe that you are.

What about breaking a bad habit?
There are four stages for every habit. [Cue, Craving, Response, Reward.] I think the most effective places for breaking a bad habit are either stage one or stage three.

So take the habit of watching too much television, or playing too many video games. So if you walk into pretty much any living room, where do all the couches and chairs face? They all face the TV. What is that room designed to get you to do? And you can either employ the first law by making it less obvious, making it invisible. You could take the remote control, and put it in a drawer, and have it out of sight. You could take the TV and put it in a cabinet, or a wall unit, so it's behind a set of doors and you don't see it as much. You could take the chair and turn it, so it doesn't face the television. Those are all ways of reducing exposure.

And then you also could employ the third law. Make it difficult by increasing the friction of turning on the television. So you could take the batteries out of the remote control. Now it's an extra five to 10 seconds to turn the TV on. Make enough time for you to be like, "Do I really wanna watch this? Or am I just turning [it] on mindlessly?" You could unplug the TV, and only plug it back in if you can say the name of the show that you wanna watch out loud. You’re not allowed to just mindlessly pull up Netflix and find something. If you really wanted to be extreme about it, you could take the TV off the wall, put it in the closet, and only take it out when you really want to watch something that bad. I just talked to a woman who got rid of their television. They haven't had one for two years, and so now if her husband wants to watch a game, well people who want to watch it bad enough [will] drive 15 minutes to a sports bar. And if it's not worth 15 minutes of effort, then I guess you really didn't wanna watch it.

You can either reduce exposure or you can increase friction. And those are probably the most effective ways to break a bad habit.

I think people's reaction to something like that is: that's kind of nuts. But if you think about it, I feel like we're so often controlled by sort of nudges that we aren't even conscious of. Especially f you think about technology, and the ways in which it nudges you to use it.
You don't have to be the victim of your environment. You can be the architect of it... The point here is that you're trying to improve your default behavior. What do you do on 90% of days? And if you can make that more effective, that's a great win. And then the other 10% of the time that some strange circumstance pops up, you can just change your mind and do something different. It doesn't need to be all or nothing. What you're looking for is continual slight improvement of your normal behavior.

There are some days where I plan to work out after work but someone’s like, “Let’s grab a beer,” and I do that instead. So I'm curious what room there is for flexibility in that identity-based habit formation?
[There’s the] concept of the two-minute rule: whatever habit you're trying to build, scale it down to just two minutes or less. There's a fair amount of flexibility—all right you don't go to the gym, but can you do five pushups? I think your gut reaction is, "Well why would I do five pushups? That's not gonna get me in shape." But the point is to cast a vote for your desired identity, even when the circumstances aren't ideal.

"If we can't do the whole thing, then we just find a reason to not bother at all. That all-or-nothing mentality is the death of many habits. People aren't willing to make a slight improvement, unless they feel like they can transform their lives."

Sometimes it's not about the results of that given work out. It's about the fact that it reinforces who you are. Now you can look in the mirror at the end of the night and be like, "Things weren't perfect, I had a tough day. And yet, even though the circumstances weren't ideal, I still got a work out in." The long term impact of that is incredibly powerful. Because you end up truly believing that you're that type of person that makes it happen, even when things don't go your way. And that can be more useful than whatever the results were of the particular work out.

It's like if we can't do the whole thing, then we just find a reason to not bother at all. That all-or-nothing mentality is the death of many habits. People aren't willing to make a slight improvement, unless they feel like they can transform their lives.

Another idea of yours is that there's really seven or eight moments throughout the day that are kind of your key moments, because they determine how the next hour or two hours unfold.
Every morning, I wake up, take a shower, get a glass of water, and go straight to my office. And I sit down and either I open up Evernote, and I start working on the next article, or I go to ESPN and I spend the next hour checking sports news. And it's really about what happens in that first 60 seconds that determines the whole next hour of my morning.

There are probably five to ten of these decisive moments throughout the day that really dictate the next chunk of time. The first step is figuring out what those are. If you know where that leverage point is, then that gives you a huge leg up, because now you know where to focus your attention. Everybody knows roughly what the big chunks are that you spend your time on each day. Work backwards from there and see if you can figure out what the trigger event was that caused that.

Oftentimes, it's not what you would expect. "The problem is that I'm not sleeping enough. I'm only sleeping five or six hours a night." But then you're like, "Why am I only sleeping five or six hours a night? Because I'm not powering down soon enough. I need to get ready for bed at 10 instead of at midnight. Well ,why do I get ready for bed at 10? Because I have trouble stopping work, or I keep answering emails late." And then you realize “Oh, the real problem with this is not my sleep habits, the real problem is my email habits.” And so the decisive moment is figuring out how to stop email at 10:00 PM.

I'm curious if you had any solutions for getting back on track when you’ve gotten off of it.
It’s really important for me to change context, if that's the case. And I don't mean just let me go to a coffee shop instead of working from my office. What I mean is changing the actual thing that I'm doing in a drastic enough way that it's like I get fresh start. So if I'm working on an article, or I'm supposed to be, and I'm just checking ESPN and wasting away the morning. Then I work out at lunch time. And so it's like, "All right I had a really ineffective morning, but at least I got a good work out in." So you need some new context to reset the scales, and get momentum going in the positive direction.

I read a quote from you that said, "So many of us are doing a lot of good things, but we just need to figure out how we can prune away the good things to get to the great things." Could you unpack that?
Say you have 20 things on your to do list. Everybody working on #7, they're like, "Well this is a good use of time. This is in my top 10." But actually items 5-20 are the ones that wreck you. They're not the great use of the time, but they're good uses of time. And so you can rationalize doing them day in and day out, because you're like, "Yeah, this is pretty good." But what ends up happening is you just never get to the thing that's great. It sounds weird, but you need to carefully avoid the things that are at the 80th percentile, so you can focus on the stuff that's in the top 5.

This interview has been edited and condensed.