Is It Actually Harder to Lose Weight When You're Short?

Is It Actually Harder to Lose Weight When You're Short? Losing weight is hard. But it's harder for some people than others due to a variety of factors. Age, activity level, hormones, starting weight, sleep patterns, and height all play a role. You've probably heard that it's more difficult for people who are shorter to lose weight. And if you're on the shorter side, maybe you've even experienced this firsthand. But is it really harder or does it just seem that way because losing weight in general isn't easy? We talked to weight-loss experts to investigate. "Shorter women have to consume fewer calories to lose weight...if all other factors are equal," says Luiza Petre, M.D. Even with the same activity level, your taller friend will be able to eat more and still lose more weight. And because you have to eat fewer calories to see weight-loss results (or to maintain your weight), it can feel a lot harder. Shari Portnoy, Registered Dietitian Lean muscle mass impacts your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which determines how many calories your body burns at rest. Activity level plays a role too, but the higher your BMR is, the less work you have to do to account for extra calories eaten. "The less weight you start with, the harder it is to lose," explains Portnoy. This is the same reason it takes longer to lose those last 5 pounds than it does to lose 5 pounds at the start of a weight-loss plan. So yes—shorter people do have to eat less than taller people to lose weight in general. But height isn't the only factor that determines how many calories you burn per day. Sleep habits, genetics, hormonal health, exercise, dieting history, and exercise also play roles here, says Dr. Petre. One of the ways you can increase your metabolism is by exercising, and in this area, short people may have an advantage. Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, Registered Dietitian On the shorter side and not seeing the weight-loss results you're after? Here's what to try to troubleshoot. 1. Lift weights: "Do strength training and develop as much muscle mass as you can, which in return burns more calories," says Dr. Petre. 2. Tune in to hunger cues: "Your body knows what it needs, so trust it!" says Beckerman. 3. Ballpark your calorie needs: Use an online calorie calculator where you can enter your height, weight, and activity level, suggests Beckerman. 4. Chat with an expert: A registered dietitian may have suggestions on how to make the most of your BMR.