This Actor Has the Greatest Cat Instagram

Photo credit: Jenna Berman
Photo credit: Jenna Berman


This year, Alexander Calvert's career exploded: The 27-year-old joined the cast of the CW behemoth Supernatural–the TV series about two monster-hunting brothers and a fallen angel fighting for the fate of the universe–in it's 13th (!!) season. Calvert plays Jack, the new-born half-angel half-human love child of Lucifer (yes, that Lucifer). He's the first to join the cast as a lead without starting off as a guest star since the show's originals, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki.

Something else new for Calvert? Supernatural's superfans, some of whom have been watching since 2005, write thousands of fan fiction works, and travel all across the globe for a photo or conversation with their favorite stars–Creation Entertainment alone has 21 domestic and international Supernatural conventions scheduled for the year of 2018.

Photo credit: The CW/Supernatural
Photo credit: The CW/Supernatural

But he had nothing to worry about. The Vancouver native has been widely well-received by fans, capturing their hearts with his character's adorable affinity for nougat and determination to do good with his inexplicable powers, regardless of their nefarious origins. Honestly, it's not hard to fall for Calvert: He's hot, a dancer–he studied musical theatre dance and hip hop until he was encouraged to start acting at the age of 15–and co-owns the best, most regal cat on Instagram:

The peasant cares nothing for my dignity. He wouldn't know nobility if it threw up on him.

A post shared by Lord Tyrion (@thelordtyrion) on Oct 25, 2017 at 10:51am PDT

In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods. I have not forgotten this.

A post shared by Lord Tyrion (@thelordtyrion) on Oct 23, 2017 at 6:21pm PDT

We spoke with Alex about the explosive mid-season finale of Supernatural, his first-ever fan convention, and the Miniature Persian himself, Lord Tyrion.

So Jack has reunited with Sam and Dean, only to be separated again when they utilize Jack's new power. Are we going to be doing a lot of world jumping? Because it seems like Sam and Dean are stuck in dinosaur land, while Jack's with Mary in apocalypse world...

Yea, Jack’s powers are definitely opening up tons of new possibilities for the show, especially the potential for world-jumping, finding new characters, and finding old characters.

Speaking of new characters, this episode introduces Kaia, who we know will be on Supernatural's spinoff Wayward Sisters. Based on your powerful connection with her, do you think we'll see Jack crossing over into that series?

I have no idea what they’re doing with that show [laughs]. I’m at their mercy. I just think that Jack and Kaia had a really interesting relationship and I really enjoyed shooting that stuff with her because they had so many similarities in terms of what they were dealing with and going through, especially with her being unable to control her powers. It was fun to see Jack kind of foster a new relationship and really help guide her along her path.

We learn, once and for all, in this episode that Jack has no feelings towards Lucifer whatsoever–which is good for the boys to know. but how would you characterize his relationships at this point with Sam, Dean, and Castiel?

I mean, what I really like about this episode is we definitely don’t know where Jack fits yet. But the fun part about this season, I think, has been him realizing what the true concept of a family actually is. Not necessarily who you’re real father is or you know say your mother, but in this case the people that really love and care about you become his surrogate family, and it was really nice to have that moment in the episode.

What was it like joining a show that's already been on the air for 13 seasons–especially one with such a strong following?

Pretty daunting. I wanted to be as respectful and delicate as possible, just because people have grown up with these characters, you know? They’ve gone on just this massive journey. So, I just wanted to work well in the machine that already exists. The fan base has been really welcoming and incredible so far, and it’s just nice to be a part of something that people are so passionate about.

Photo credit: The CW/Supernatural
Photo credit: The CW/Supernatural

Had you watched the show before you were cast?

No. That’s kind of the crazy part. I’m from Vancouver, so I’d see the signs for filming. I mean, I’ve been seeing the signs since I was 15. So, it was kind of strange to finally be a part of the show that I feel like I’ve grown up around and seen people go through around me.

What was it like when you met your co-star Misha Collins and you realized you look exactly like him?

I didn’t really clue into it at first. I was just like 'Oh like it’s great, I get to meet Misha! I finally get to meet Castiel.' But then, people started sending me these photos at various points in me and Misha’s life, where our faces are looking the exact same direction. We have a similar expression on our faces. Initially, I didn’t really know what to think, but then I’ve seen so many of these photos now that I’m kind of blown away. I actually can’t believe it myself.

It’s weird. Like it’s tripping me out, you know?

You just attended your first fan convention in San Francisco. What was your wildest interaction?

[The convention was] a little overwhelming. Everybody kind of warned me about how passionate all of the fans are, but to actually meet the people, and see the people, and have people ask me questions about the show, it was really incredible.

Craziest interaction? Someone asked me to marry them, but I think that’s par for the course for the show.

Did you say yes?

I did not. Unfortunately, I gave a really honest answer. I was like, ‘uh I’m not ready, but thank you uh.’ You know?

I have to say, I'm a huge fan of your cat's Instagram.

Really? Lord Tyrion? Me and my girlfriend have had an Instagram account for the cat for years. I mean he’s the lord and he’s very demanding. So, I think his Instagram reflects that.

Would Lord Tyrion ever join you on set?

No, he’s pretty content in the kingdom. I don’t think he’d do well in the outside world. It’s probably pretty jarring for him.

Does he watch the show? And what are his thoughts?

I don’t think he really gives a shit about anything other than me opening the next can of Fancy Feast.

Let me play you the world's saddest song titled 'I haven't eaten in over 20 minutes'

A post shared by Lord Tyrion (@thelordtyrion) on Nov 22, 2017 at 11:41pm PST

If you're not like Lord Tyrion, Supernatural airs Thursdays at 8 PM EST. This interview has been edited and condensed.

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