Acne Cleanser Lifts Unwanted Toner in Woman's Hair

Photo credit: Carly Cardellino
Photo credit: Carly Cardellino

From Cosmopolitan

I've been blonde now for a little over three years, and I feel like achieving the same pure, creamy platinum every fifth week I get my hair colored is kind of like getting past the fourth question of HQ - basically damn near impossible. That's because an actual human (not a robot) mixes the bleach cocktail right there on the spot. The colorist then applies said formula to your regrowth, the heat from your head interacts with the bleach, and that lifts the pigment (evenly, hopefully) - all while you pray to God that your hair doesn't break off.

After the bleach is done processing, it's time to tone. Toner is meant to neutralize unwanted tones in the hair (like yellow, orange, or red), but it can also add desired tones to the hair. "It’s like a top coat for nails, but only for your hair," says Ryan Pearl, colorist at Cutler Soho in NYC, who's also responsible for my super light strands. In my case, I need the process to lift unwanted tones.

However, after you've successfully bleached and toned your hair, in a few weeks time, it's often necessary to tone it again because such light hair can take on a yellow-ish tint (from the sun, minerals in water, etc.) - and that just isn't the look I'm going for.

Picture me, two weeks later, with yellow-ish hair and a shoot on that coming Monday. Now keep reading.

Ryan was away the weekend that I needed to tone, so I went to someone else (a colorist who shall not be named) for a quick fix. The toner was applied as usual, but here's what I didn't know, and what Ryan told me later: "When you’re platinum blonde and your hair is really porous, it can take the color more aggressively, soaking the purple hue up quickly, leaving you with a gray patch."

Joseph Cincotta, a PhD cosmetic chemist based in Connecticut, backed up this theory, adding that it can also occur if too much is applied. I don't know what happened that day, but either my hair drank up too much of the toner or too much was glopped on. Either way, I was in a hurry when I left the salon and didn't realize said gray patch until I got home.

Here I am annoyed that my roots had a gray tinge to them:

Photo credit: Carly Cardellino
Photo credit: Carly Cardellino

I immediately texted Ryan and was like WTF do I do?! He instantly texted back, knowing exactly happened. "Mix one to two teaspoons of baking soda into your shampoo and massage it in until it lathers," he instructed. "Then, leave it on for five minutes." He went onto text that what baking soda does for the hair is acts like a natural clarifying agent, so it helps strip away product-build up, which is exactly what I needed.

The only problem was I didn't have any baking soda, but I did eyeball a Biorè Baking Soda Acne Cleansing Foam when I was sifting through bathroom cabinet in sheer panic. I'm saved! I thought, not knowing if this would A) work or B) make matters worse, but I had a good feeling, so I gave it a try.

Photo credit:
Photo credit:

I started applying the super gentle, almost velvet-feeling, soft formula over the gray patch, rubbed it in gently, and could immediately see it lifting. WHAT?! Instant gratification the best.

Here's my hair sans gray patch (!!) - again, don't judge me because my roots now need done again.

Photo credit: Carly Cardellino
Photo credit: Carly Cardellino

My mind was blown and I wanted to know exactly why this concoction worked so flawlessly, so I called up Dr. Cincotta for an explanation. "The dye [from the toner] normally sticks to your hair, washing out with each shampoo," he said, "but the baking soda chemically reacts with the toner to make it more water soluble (or less attracted to the hair). This releases it from the hair, causing the excess colorant to rinse off with water."

When I asked him if I could use this specific product as an off-label neutralizer, he gave me his blessing and said it wouldn't hurt my hair - just not to overdo it. "This product has sodium laurel sulfate and sodium bicarbonate, which are used to neutralize the salicylic acid it contains [otherwise it’d burn your face when applied to your skin], as well as increase the pH to a skin-friendly level," he explained. "It's also, most likely, what coincidentally helped remove the toner from the surface of your hair. It just happened to have the right mixture of the right ingredients and was the right combination to lift the toner quicker than a few shampoos." Chemistry is cool.

I've since used the cleansing foam several times after that day (tri-weekly as instructed by Ryan) to help remove the countless amounts of dry shampoo and UV sprays I spritz on. But I was and am seriously impressed with it's ability to remove any toning mishaps. So, if you've had one - or are currently having one and this article came up when you Googled "How do you get a gray toner patch out of your hair?" - I hope this helps!

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