The ABC song is changing: mom sings school's new alphabet song in 'breaking news' TikTok

A TikTok mom is going viral for announcing — and performing — the new ABC song her kids’ school is teaching. Mom of 7, Jess (@jesssfamofficial), blew people’s minds when she recorded her ‘breaking news’ announcement. In the video, Jess performs the new alphabet song and at first, it doesn’t seem that different. The new ABC song lumps together the letters “L-M-N,” rather than the standard “L-M-N-O-P” we’ve all been taught. From there, the song is nearly unrecognizable. The video is clearly a huge hit on TikTok — but it’s the nearly 70K comments that proves this video is truly making waves…. And most of these comments are not in favor of the new ABC song