Abandoned Dog Whose Owners Didn't Want Her Back Gets Amazing Forever Home

We are so glad she got another chance at love.

Bubbles is a gorgeous dog that belongs to TikTok user @RoboKittenz and the way they came to acquire this beautiful furbaby is so heartbreaking! The video explains that Bubbles wandered into their yard as a stray and the kind people who found her posted an ad on Facebook marketplace looking for her owner. Welp, the owner contacted them and said they didn't want her anymore so RoboKittenz decided to give her the home she deserves

Just watch the following touching video to see Bubbles glow-up!

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We can't even begin to fathom surrendering a dog this way, but thank goodness she is safe and adored in her forever home now. @Robin comments, "I was so happy you kept her. She knew what she was doing when she chose your family." @Trees adds, "I will never ever ever understand how people disregard animals. She has found a beautiful family." @TikToker adds, "Why are people such jerks?!?! Thanks for restoring my faith in people! That dog is freaking divine." 

There are many reasons people can no longer provide a home for a pet, but you should always contact your local animal shelter for help in rehoming your animal. Don't just let it wander off until it finds its own family for itself. That's just another form of animal abuse and your dog or cat could get hit by a car or attacked by a predator or succumb to the elements. This story has a happy ending but there are far more other ones that don't. Please remember this when rehoming your pet.

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