Aaron Rodgers Injury Leads Football Fans to Make a Very Bad Bet

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Patrons of a Wisconsin bar which offered a night of free drinks if the Jets lost were left stunned as they learned they would have to pay their tabs.

Monday marked the first of 13 “Jets lose, you win” free-drink promotions at Jack’s American Pub in Milwaukee. Bar flies were chatting it up with CBS 58’s A.J. Bayatpour before the game, and whoops of victory sounded when, less than five minutes into his Jets debut, Aaron Rodgers tore his Achilles in a season-ending injury. “I mean, I’m not necessarily opposed to Rodgers, but tonight I’m thinking with my wallet instead,” said Michael Steggeman, who was sporting a Jets jersey.

The good times came to a halt, however, when the Jets pulled out an unexpected win during overtime. Bayatpour reported in front of shell-shocked bar patrons. Many of them were checking their phones with hands clasped over their mouths, trying to reconcile the score, or perhaps their dwindling account balance. “The mood has changed considerably,” the anchor stoically reported. “It is setting in. They are going to have to go to the bar and pay that tab.”

When asked if fans deserved their fate after cheering for “a Packers Hall of Famer and Super Bowl champion to get injured,” Bayatpour dismissed any malice. “I don’t think they were cheering for the injury as much as they were cheering for their odds of having a free night of booze.” He surmised that the morning would bring shame for those caught on camera cheering an NFL legend’s devastating injury.

The pub’s “Jets lose, you win” offer will be in effect for another 12 games this season, as long as the Packers aren’t playing simultaneously.