A Divorced Mom Of 3 Gets a Makeover & 30 New Outfits For Her First Date In 10 Years

When Shannon, a divorced mother of three boys, needed to revamp her style for her first date in 10 years, her best friend called upon the FabLife team to get her ready. While she was very comfortable in loose-fitting printed dresses, these weren’t the garments that were going to carry her through the next chapter of her life.

Check out the clip above as we play with her love of prints while keeping her looking chic and fabulous. The best part? She was gifted a new wardrobe that was comprised of 12 easy-to-wear pieces which will make up a month’s worth of outfits. How’s that for fashion math?!

Watch the complete FABLife episode, Wednesday December 30th. Check your local listings at FABLifeShow.com.