9 Solutions to Tame Red Skin

As luck would have it, the week I was sampling anti-redness skincare solutions I was hit with a massive cold. There is nothing like a case of the sniffles to bring out irritated, raw skin, so every product was seriously put to the test. I got to see what worked, what didn’t, and discovered a whole cadre of standout solutions.

As someone who already has mild rosacea, I couldn’t help but wonder why I didn’t try redness-fighting skincare sooner. The truth is that I really didn’t think they would work. The green-tinted creams all seemed gimmicky, and the occasional one I tried over the years only seemed to swap irritation for acne. But the fact is that rosacea and redness can be significantly reduced with over-the-counter solutions. “Some people do find that these OTC products work well to reduce redness, but keep in mind that even if the redness doesn’t go away completely in rosacea skin it is important to support the skin with hydrating, barrier repairing and soothing, anti-inflammatory ingredients,” explains Manhattan-based dermatologist Dr. Sejal Shah. What to look for? Dr. Shah’s recommends a host of ingredients to heal skin. “Ceramides found in CeraVe or sucralfate in Avène help repair skin, hyaluronic acid hydrates, niacinamide in CeraVe is anti-inflammatory, licorice root extract in Eucerin is calming, and ruscus extract in Avène is for vessel support.  Most anti-redness products have these types of ingredients.  Some also have a green tint to neutralize redness.” If you’re suffering with blotchy red skin, you don’t have to. Try out one of these skincare solutions for clearer, calmer skin.