9 S'mores Makers That Make Us Yearn For A Campfire

S'mores are to campfires whatice creamis to summer. The twobelongtogether. Or, at least, they're supposed to. But we're starting to get the feeling that some folks are trying to break this classic couple up. Some people out there seem to want to take the fire out of the s'more -- and it has us questioning our faith in humanity.

You guys, there is an insane amount of s'mores makers that have taken the campfire entirely out of the s'more-making process and replaced it with sterno cans, electric burners andmicrowaves. It's just not right.

We know there are people out there who don't know how to build a fire -- it isn't an essential skill anymore. And there are others who, even if they could build a fire, live too deep in the city to ever get the chance. To you we say, fine, use a microwaveable s'more maker. We wouldn't want anyone to go through life without experiencing one of the marshmallow's greatest accomplishments. (You could also partake in these40 s'more-inspired desserts.) But to everyone else we say, GO BUILD A FIRE, and don't support indoor s'mores makers please... just look at how ridiculous they are.

This s'more maker so badly wants to be a real fire.

BUT IT'S NOT. Not even close.<BR><BR> <em>S'mores Maker, <a href="http://www.problemsolvers.com/entertaining/smores-maker.htm?aff=5512&gclid=CjkKEQjw8YSdBRChhPXJvPvMztABEiQAkn893hUs1UEZaaaJ98e8ophobhGM82NeO3YChwHNSIuoXr3w_wcB" target="_blank">$24.95</a></em>

This s'more maker thinks s'mores are too fancy for campfires.

It's the panini machine of s'mores. And it's wrong on so many levels. <BR><BR> <em>Sensio Bella 13578 Smores Maker, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Sensio-Bella-13578-Smores-Maker/dp/B007P3V61M/ref=sr_1_13?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1403118301&sr=1-13&keywords=s%27mores+maker" target="_blank">$52.75 </a></em>

This s'more maker clearly hates s'mores.

That's why it locks them up in a cage.<BR><BR><em>S'more to Love STL-611 6-S'more Maker, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Smore-Love-STL-611-6-Smore-Maker/dp/B005EVJWC2/ref=sr_1_4?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1403118301&sr=1-4&keywords=s%27mores+maker" target="_blank">$17.98</a></em>

This s'more maker is SO close to the real thing.

You're already outside, just take the next step.<BR><BR><em>Charcoal Companion Stainless S'mores Roasting Rack with Skewers, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Charcoal-Companion-Stainless-Roasting-Skewers/dp/B00C25Z25E/ref=pd_sim_hg_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0H34MASYNGDZQ0DWBE8Q" target="_blank">$22.41 </a></em>

This s'more maker comes with a chocolate fondue pot.

So... WE WANT IT. <BR><BR><em>Hershey's S'more Maker, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Hersheys-Smore-Maker-bonus-fondue/dp/B000GYTATW/ref=sr_1_33?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1403118321&sr=1-33&keywords=s%27mores+maker" target="_blank">$89.95</a></em>

Hershey's S'more Maker, $89.95

This s'more maker is insulting campfires across the nation.

It's way too high-tech. Check out its features: A doomed cover for even microwave energy distribution to ensure the perfect melt plus an auto-plunger that applies just the right amount of pressure for the perfect s'more. #SOWRONG<BR><BR><em>Micro S'mores 80-1764, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Micro-Smores-80-1764-Classic-Holiday/dp/B003FAP4PS/ref=pd_sim_k_10?ie=UTF8&refRID=09K06YVCTAEHZ70GBSTZ" target="_blank">$19.95</a>  </em>

This s'more maker wants to instill order.

The chaos and mess are all part of the s'more-making fun. <BR><BR><em>Casa Moda "S'mores" Maker, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Lifetime-Brands-CM10404-Smores-Maker/dp/B00009XFX4" target="_blank">$26.07</a></em>
The chaos and mess are all part of the s'more-making fun.

Casa Moda "S'mores" Maker, $26.07

This s'more maker just thinks we're stupid.

Old-fashioned s'mores were made over a campfire.<BR><BR><em>Nostalgia Electrics S'Mores Maker, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004ZEMSTI/ref=as_li_tf_tl?" target="_hplink">Currently out of stock</a>.
Old-fashioned s'mores were made over a campfire.

Nostalgia Electrics S'Mores Maker, Currently out of stock.

This s'more maker is the antithesis of traditional s'more making.

Plastic replaces branches and microwaves replace the campfire. It doesn't get much sadder than this, guys. <BR><br>  <em>Prepworks from Progressive Microwave S'Mores Maker, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Progressive-International-GMMC-68-Microwavable-SMores/dp/B001447LEE/ref=pd_sim_k_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=09K06YVCTAEHZ70GBSTZ" target="_blank">$9.93</a></em>

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.