These 9 Holiday Decluttering Tips Will Save Christmas

From displaying holiday cards, to creating a super-easy wrapping station, to storing all your holiday décor, our favorite organizing pro Peter Walsh is back with some amazing tips to stop the holidays from cluttering up your entire home!

No. 1: Use Kitchen Twine to Hang Holiday Cards

Peter has an adorable idea for displaying your holiday cards. Take some kitchen twine and tape it to the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree. Then use clothespins to hang your cards from the twine. How cute!

No. 2: Turn a Cardboard Wine Box into a Wrapping Station

Turn a cardboard wine-carrying box upright and use the cubbies to store wrapping supplies that you can then move from room to room.

No. 3: Make Your Own Paper Stuffing for Gift Bags

We all need tissue paper or some other kind of filler to put in gift bags and boxes, but why pay for it? Take old bits and pieces of wrapping paper and run it through a paper shredder to make your own!

No. 4: Store Your Holiday Decorations in Order of Necessity

Put all of your most essential holiday decorations in one box and label it “unpack first.” Then box the rest accordingly, so that if you want to dial the decorating back next year you don’t have to sort through all the boxes.

No. 5: Take Note of Your Wishes

As you pack your decorations up, write your wishes for the coming year and put it in an envelope in your “unpack first” box. Then, as you unpack next year you can read it and see how your year has lived up!

No. 6: Store Round Decorations in Cake Carriers

Store round decorations like smaller wreaths in plastic portable cake carriers.

No. 7: Store Glass Ornaments in an Egg Carton

An egg carton is the perfect shape to store and protect your favorite glass ornaments! How clever!

No. 8: Store Lights in Shoeboxes

Peter shows you how to cut a shoebox lid so it fits inside the shoebox, then wrap your Christmas lights around it to fit inside. You could fit more than one strand of lights in one shoebox by using this method!

No. 9: Use Old Belts to Tie Up Artificial Trees

Use old belts you have lying around (or go to Goodwill and pick up a couple ugly ones for cheap) to tie around artificial Christmas trees to compress the branches before you put them away.

What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to clutter during the holiday season? Share below.

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