9 Habits of Super-Happy Cyclists

Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team
Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

We know that riding should make us happy—that's why we do it, right? For most of us, cycling isn’t just a tool for fitness—it’s a way of life, something that we love to do and genuinely enjoy improving at. But what about when you hit a riding rut and suddenly, hopping on the bike seems less fun? Or when you find yourself frowning at the trail ahead of you, fighting back tears, when you used to hit the same singletrack with a goofy grin on your face?

It’s not just you. Most cyclists will hit a slump at some point, whether it’s because results aren’t what they hoped, because family life is getting busy, because of injury, or countless other things. But there are ways you can—ahem—get back in the saddle. Dr. Sharleen Hoar, a performance psychology consultant at Coastal Human Performance, works with high-level cyclists and triathletes to help them stay motivated on the bike. And she says if they’re not feeling content, that’s going to hurt them in the long run. Here are her tips for getting your happy back.

Related: Humans Are Wired to Enjoy Cycling

Be Self Aware
“The happiest cyclists I see are the ones who are extremely self-aware and appreciate what they have,” Hoar says. “They’re honest with themselves, and about their motivations for cycling. The truer they are to cycling, and the closer the cycling aligns with their values—not necessarily podium success or monetary success—the happier they are.” Think about why you got into cycling, what you love about it, and then ask yourself where your cycling may have gone off track. If you loved long adventure rides when you started, but now you find yourself fighting for podium spots in time trials, maybe you’ve gotten away from the cycling you actually love.

Give Yourself Permission to Stop Competing
“If you started to race because your friends race, that’s fine—as long as racing is still fun,” Hoar says. “But if you suddenly aren’t racing in the same groups as your friends, you might not be as satisfied or as happy with racing anymore.” If fun and camaraderie are what you're after, that’s totally fine; not everyone needs to be competitive. Hoar often has athletes write out purpose statements regarding where they want to be and what they want to accomplish in cycling. Take some time and really think about what your goals are, and ask yourself if your training and riding are lining up with those goals—and more importantly, how much those cycling goals really mean to you.

Manage Your Time
You might be unhappy with cycling because it’s infringing on the rest of your life—meaning less time spent with a new significant other, or missed soccer games with your kids. That might mean cutting down on volume (don’t panic, you can add short intervals instead!). But Hoar says anytime you feel like your life is out of balance, you may be making yourself miserable.

Get Organized
You know how it’s hard to work when your desk is a mess? Well, the same basic principle applies to your cycling as well: If your favorite kit is in the laundry, your bike's shifting is sub-par, your chain is squeaking, you ran out of your favorite flavor of gel, or your cleats are so worn out you can hardly pedal, it’s easy to see biking as a chore rather than a fun event. Take a day and instead of riding, clean up your gear and get your bike in working condition again. If you remove the external barriers to riding, you may find that the internal ones disappear too.

Check in with Your Body
If your gear is dialed and you’re still not psyched about getting on the bike, think about your body next. Are you avoiding the bike because after every ride, you end up with a nagging backache? It may be time for a bike fit or at least a couple of adjustments. Hoar also points out that being a cyclist also means taking time for proper recovery and rest, so make sure you’re doing things other than cycling to benefit your riding, like practicing yoga on off days and after rides, and dialing in your nutrition on and off the bike.

Find Your Motivation
External motivation—making it onto the podium, buying yourself a new cycling kit (Bicycling's limited-edition kit, perhaps?) if you ride 200 miles this week, successfully completing our 21-Day #RideStreak Challenge—is all well and good. “There’s nothing wrong with external motivation, but it is limiting,” Hoar says. Achieving external goals isn’t entirely within your control; earning a podium spot, for instance, depends on the strength of your competition, not just your own. “I encourage athletes to engage in processes and performances that they can control,” Hoar adds. That means more internal motivation: wanting to improve for yourself, not for anyone else. Decide why you want to ride bikes, and what you want to get out of it—not what your wife wants you to get out of your riding, or a Strava KOM you want to snag.

Take a Break...
Hoar sees plenty of athletes in a “vicious cycle” of overtraining, injury, no training, then a quick return to overtraining which leads to another injury, and so on. Those riders, she says, aren’t staying on their bike, and they’re getting frustrated. Let yourself recover from injuries and be smart about coming back to cycling. And if you’re feeling more emotional fatigue, know that it is just as real as physical fatigue, Hoar says. For some, taking a break from cycling may be just what the doctor ordered—and you may realize that you miss it when it’s gone and start itching to ride again!

… Or Just Take a Short Ride
Riding—even in a slump—may actually be the very thing that snaps you out of a rut. Studies have shown that riding does make you happier, and that’s the kind of self-medicating we can get behind. You may not feel like going out on a ride, but try a short spin, run an errand, roll around the neighborhood—anything to get you out on the bike. Chances are, once you start pedaling and the endorphins kick in, you won’t want to stop.

Embrace the Journey
“It’s all about embracing the journey,” Hoar says. “Not just the actual ride itself; I mean the journey in that training is fun. Embracing the day-to-day grind of training and finding the joy in that—the cyclists that can do that are typically the ones who are most satisfied as riders.” If you’re only focusing on being prepared for one event, or one result, you’re not enjoying the process—and isn’t the process the best part?

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