8 ways to survive the January blues

The Midults' guide to beating the January blues - This content is subject to copyright.
The Midults' guide to beating the January blues - This content is subject to copyright.

So it’s the beginning of January. There is laundry everywhere, presents everywhere and let’s not even think about the packaging and wrapping and bags that still have to be disposed of. BAGS!! The fridge is a mess. The car is a disgrace; full of empty ham (protein) packets from petrol stations – at least it wasn’t a KFC this time – and mud and leaves (so many leaves) and single earrings and a sock and a lipstick lid, which means that in a bag somewhere there is a melting lipstick, bleeding over all  it surveys. 

There’s a bag (BAG) somewhere full of dry-cleaning (who can afford dry-cleaning, by the way?) but it has buried itself; squirrelled itself away. Perhaps it’s ended up in the recycling. Perhaps it contains the melting lipstick. Every light bulb seems to have blown and nothing is where it belongs.

Yes, we might be a bit fatter and more toxic than we were a month ago, but right now we just want normal. Normal is the goal, the resolution. Everything in its place. Beds made, rubbish (so much, so much, so much) outside and fridge organised. We want towels washed and presents put away; with old stuff taken to a charity shop to make room for new stuff.

And so, we fervently hope that, at some point over the next few days, we will hit normal. The damp stain will still be there and we will still hate our sofas but the washing will be done, the bin won’t be overflowing and there will not be one bag in our eyeline.

A bagless January lies ahead. Our herbal teacups will overflow… which will give us time to write a lovely fresh to-do list with which to flagellate ourselves for the next 11 months. It will look a little like this:

  1. Book a hygienist appointment... We only smoke very occasionally and floss all the time. Flossing now. Red wine once a year. So why are the backs of our teeth the colour of coff— oh.

  2. Make a will... We have been very focused on making a will for about two years. It is totally important and very front-of-mind. We think about it daily. Guess what? Still not done it.

  3. Transfer £29... out of that redundant bank account that we never use. Maybe we just like to think it’s secret money that will buy us  a new life if we ever need to jump ship.

  4. Buy a perfect white shirt... So that we can develop a perfect work wardrobe. Rather than faded black  with stains that no one can see. Except they can.

  5. Go to the theatre... The theatre is so revitalising, there’s so much exciting work on at the moment, you know by that cool director Ivo van Mendes van Hove vin something. *Baulks at the price* *Can’t stay up past 10pm* *Never goes to the theatre*

  6. Buy one of those portable charger thingies... You know those things. You know the ones…

  7. Book a silent retreat... *Laughs hysterically*

  8. Make lots of lovely photograph albums… of the last five years of holidays we’ve had. And then give them to all the  people we went away with, because that’s the person we want to be. Or want people to think we are. Quite clearly, we are not that person.


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