8 Ways to Start Getting Ready for Christmas in the Summer

A stress-free holiday season is possible! Here's why summer is the best time to start getting ready for the holidays.

We firmly believe it's never too early to decorate for Christmas—and while there's something so magical about that day-after-Thanksgiving decorating spree, we think the best time to start getting ready for Christmas is actually in the middle of summer. Yes, you read that right!

We're not suggesting you put up your tree and hang the stockings in between barbecues and pool parties (though if you want to, we fully support that decision), but there are a few simple tasks you can tackle in the summer months that will make the busy holiday season so much less hectic.

It seems like the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas get busier every year. Between holiday parties, cookie exchanges, Christmas card photo sessions, and last-minute shopping trips, there's hardly any time to relax and enjoy the season. So we've come up with a few simple ways to prepare in the summer so you can spend the holidays enjoying more time with friends and family.

Here are ten things you can do right now to make the Christmas season as stress-free as possible. So crank up the A/C, put on your favorite Christmas carols, and get into the pre-holiday spirit.

JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images
JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images

Make a List and Check It Twice

We often associate the holidays with stress because there are so many things going on. There's family to see, events to attend, and last-minute gifts to buy—in short, there is too much to do and not enough time to do it.

During the summer months, write down all the annual events you know you'll be attending, and make a list of everyone you'll need to buy gifts for (don't forget teachers and coworkers!) so there won't be any surprises once December arrives.

Getting it all down on paper will help you set clear expectations for the season ahead and avoid the last-minute scramble to find a gift for someone you've forgotten. A list will also help you identify the things you can take care of right now, like deciding what to buy for the annual white elephant exchange.

Start DIY Projects

While the weather outside may not be frightful yet, you can still get a head start on DIY Christmas gifts and homemade holiday decor. Of course, these projects always take longer than you think they will, so don't leave them until the last minute. Plus, when you're not scrambling to get things done, you'll have time to make more homemade gifts (and save some extra cash—always a bonus at holiday time!).

Plan the Christmas Card

We love designing and sending the annual Christmas card, but getting together to take the perfect family photo for the card can be daunting—especially during the busy holiday season. This year, start getting ready for Christmas by organizing family photos in the summer. The kids typically have more free time than during the school year, and you can take advantage of sunny weeknight evenings if your weekend schedule is full.

If you have your heart set on taking your photos during sweater weather, reach out to a photographer now to reserve a date before they fill up for the season. (Or, crank the A/C and have everyone don their best Christmas sweaters right now!)

:24 DIY Christmas Card Display Ideas

Buy the Basics

Over the summer, take an inventory of what you have and make a list of things you'll need to buy this year. Things like extra Christmas ornaments, ($19, Target) or personalized Christmas stockings for a new family member can be purchased online year-round. If you're thinking of transitioning to an artificial tree this year, don't wait until December to make a purchase. We like this 6-foot pre-lit artificial tree ($120, Walmart).

Start Saving

While charitable giving is important year-round, most local organizations typically have a greater need during the holidays (which is why Giving Tuesday was created). Coincidentally, this is also the time of year we usually feel most strapped for cash after going overboard on gifts or seasonal experiences. Between gifts, food, decorations, and travel, the average American household spends $1,536 on the holidays—but it doesn't have to be that expensive.

This summer, start getting ready for Christmas with a savings plan: Putting aside a few dollars a week between now and the holidays will help you ensure you can give as much as you want to during the holidays. Take advantage of summer sales and early-bird travel deals, too.

You can also use the extra time to look into gifts that give back to causes important to your family and friends. And, if you're purchasing gifts on Amazon, be sure to take advantage of the Amazon Smile program, which donates a portion of each purchase to the charity of your choice (at no extra cost to you!).

Shop Summer Sales

Since you've already made a list of who you'll need to buy gifts for, shopping summer sales can help you save some serious cash on this year's gift haul. Christmas in July and Labor Day sales are basically the summer equivalent of Black Friday, and you don't have to skip Thanksgiving dinner to get these deals!

Make a list of potential gifts (and set a spending limit) for each person, and watch for those items to go on sale. I always try to grab a few "extras" when I find them on super sale: You never know when you'll need a hostess gift (or a gift for someone who wasn't originally on your list) at the last minute.

:DIY Hostess Gifts

Plan New Recipes

If you're planning to cook for the holidays, chances are high that you'll need to cater to at least one dietary restriction. And while Grandma's classic recipes have always served us well over the years, it can be fun to try a new holiday recipe. Whether you need to provide a vegan side dish or a paleo dessert option, plan out your new recipes and test each one at least once before the holiday season. You can even get a head start on meal prep with these insanely delicious make-ahead meals you can freeze.

Start the Countdown

Get a head start on your Christmas countdown! We can tell you from experience that December 1 is not the ideal day to put together your Advent calendar, especially if you want to make a countdown that takes a bit of planning. Carve out a little extra time over the summer to make your own Advent calendar so you're not scrambling as the holiday approaches.
