8 Ways to Kick Up the Crunch to Make Your Abs Burn

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Photo credit: PeopleImages - Getty Images

From Bicycling

If your go-to core routine consists of doing the same boring, basic crunch over and over again, it might be time to shake things up a bit. While including ab work in your overall fitness program is critical for core stability and strength, performing the same movement pattern with very little variation often leads to minimal results.

The good news is, there are endless ways to change up this foundational move. But first things first. Crunches are bad for your back and neck, right?

When done incorrectly, crunches can overwork your your hip flexors, which causes them to be tight. This can create a forward pull on the lumbar vertebrae and consequently make your lower back hurt. But if you do them correctly, they can be safe and effective.

That’s why it’s important to break down the correct form of the movement before you progress to more advanced options, says Charlee Atkins, C.S.C.S., founder of Le Sweat, and former SoulCycle instructor. To start, you want to lay down, put your hands behind your head, and lightly place your fingertips behind your ears, taking care not to pull your head up. You can also place them across the chest.

With both feet on the ground, knees bent, try to “hollow out” your core by pressing your lower back into the mat to stabilize your core. This will help put the focus on your core and eliminate the strain on your hip flexors.

To get a better feel of the connection between your lower back and the mat, Atkins recommends using a yoga block in between your knees when you’re doing the basic crunch.

Then, slowly lift your chest towards the ceiling. Pause at the top-your shoulder blades should be lifted off the ground with your spine staying long-and lower back down.

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Once you can master this move, you should be able to progress safely, without straining your neck or lower back. Then, you’re ready to reap the core-building benefits of the variations out there.

“The value of a ‘crunch’ exercise is that there are so many different ways you can vary, which gives you a great opportunity to change up your routine,” says Atkins, C.S.C.S. Plus, working your core from all angles helps to stabilize your spine and keep your lower back healthy, which gives you the power you need to cycle uphill or crush those 100-mile rides.

Here are eight ways to get started-put them together in one core-smoking circuit that will leave you drenched. (If you have a history of back issues, get cleared by your doctor before starting this or any new exercise routine.)

How to do it: Perform each exercise for 50 seconds, followed by a 10-second recovery. You can also do this workout using repetitions as your guide. If you’re new to core routines, keep the repetitions on the lower end of the 10 to 20 range and really focus on your form. But if you’re more advanced, you can complete 20 or more reps of each exercise. If going for reps instead of time, complete all your reps for each exercise, then rest for 10 to 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

Reverse curl crunch

Lay on your back, feet off the ground and hands by your side with palms down, and knees at a 90-degree angle. Keep your head and shoulders on the mat the entire time. Engage your core to “curl” knees into the chest. Return to start and repeat.

Dolphin crunch

Lay on your back, knees bent. Your arms are extended overhead like you’re going to dive into the water (biceps behind ears). Keeping the lower back pressed into the mat, lift up from the chest so shoulder blades come off the mat without losing form. Return to start and repeat.

Butterfly crunch

Lay on your back with hands behind head, soles of the feet together, and knees pointed out. Lift your shoulder blades off the mat and then using lower abs, lift the hips off the mat (feet will come up off floor too). Lower your hips first and then shoulders. Repeat.

Ankle/Toe Touch Crunch

Lay on your back with feet extending up towards the ceiling. Keep a slight bend at the knee and your feet neutral. Reaching hands up, lift your shoulder blades off the mat and reach for your ankles (or toes). Pause at the top, then lower down to repeat.

1/2 Jackknife Crunch

Lay on your back with one leg extended and the other knee bent. Reach your opposite arm overhead. Bring your opposite arm and leg towards each other, keeping your lower back pressed into the mat. Pause at the top, and return to start and repeat.

Alternate Knee Crunch

Similar to the basic crunch. Extend your arms to straddle the legs (one arm on each side of a single leg). As you bring your chest up, alternate which hand goes in the middle of both legs. Repeat.

Crab March Crunch

Start in crab position, with your hands pointed back and slightly out. Lift your hips off the ground to where the core is engaged-how far your hips are up from the ground will depend on your arm and torso length. Keeping your back flat, “march” your knees in towards the chest, keeping core stable. Repeat.

Side crunch

Start on your side, bottom elbow on the ground, elbow in line with your shoulder. With your knees bent, bring your knees in towards the elbow. Lower your feet back down and repeat.

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