8 Trends That Will Be Huge This June

From royal wedding-inspired snacks and reef-friendly sunscreens to all things Finnish, here are eight trends you can expect to see everywhere this June.  

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Summer Boots

Move over, sandals. If street-style blogger photos are any indication, warm-weather boots are coming for you. But don’t worry, you don’t have to buy new pairs, you just have to know how to repurpose the ones you already own. Try, for example, light brown booties with a floaty floral dress or metallic booties with a denim skirt and loose-fitting button-down. Have fun with it—fashion’s really not that serious. 


Say there’s a relative you follow on Instagram who’s…kind of annoying. But, because they’re family, it's rude to unfollow. Enter Instagram’s new Mute feature, which allows users to hide offending posts without the poster ever knowing. The feature will be rolling out in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out, and prepare to be a lot less irritated during your daily scroll. 

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Another day, another Scandinavian trend. The newest addition to the Swedish/Icleandic hipster scene: Finland, which is way less crowded, way more affordable and way more under the radar than Iceland. Oh yeah, and it's all over our Social Media feed all of a sudden. Come for the Marimekko prints and unparalleled views of the northern lights. Stay because the UN just named it the happiest country in the world.


If ghosting was so 2016, then 2018 is the year of the orbit. Orbiting is a terrible new dating trend where the person you're chatting with cuts off contact but continues to engage with you on social media, whether it's by checking your Instagram or Snapchat stories, liking your Facebook updates or commenting on a random post. While this is objectively awful, there is a pretty easy way to avoid it: Block them. We never said all trends were good trends...

Reef-Friendly Sunscreens

If you've been keeping up with environmental news, you've likely heard about oxybenzone, a chemical found in many sunscreens that's been linked to bleaching fragile coral reef populations worldwide. The Hawaiian legislature recently passed a bill that would bar companies and individuals from purchasing, selling or distributing any sunscreens that contain oxybenzone without a prescription. And eco-conscious consumers are taking note, and switching to alternatives like All Good, a brand of reef-friendly sunscreens that's dedicated to using restorative and responsible business practices. 

Shaving your face

Or dermaplaning, as it's known in the beauty world. This buzzy treatment (which has been around for a while but is way trendy now thanks to the whole "no makeup" makeup thing) essentially removes dead skin cells and peach fuzz from your face using a super-thin, ten-inch blade. It doesn’t cause the hair to grow back thicker and darker but does make for a more uniform complexion and smoother makeup application. 


This summer, it’s hot to be cold. By which we mean, in-the-know wellness folks (like Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Alba) are all in on whole-body cryotherapy. What's cryotherapy? Why, it's when you stand naked in a giant tube that's chilled to -270 degrees Fahrenheit, of course. It originated in Japan in the 1970s to treat patients with arthritis, and proponents say it reduces inflammation, boosts circulation, increases energy and helps with weight-loss. Research says the weight loss claims are bogus, but some studies have shown that standing in a freezing cold chamber for three minutes can help you recover faster, perform better and relieve pain related to osteoarthritis. 


The royal wedding may be over, but the royal wedding-inspired trends are just beginning to gain steam. Food-wise, expect to see elderflower-flavored everything, a nod to Meghan and Harry’s lemon elderflower wedding cake from Violet Bakery in East London. If it's any indication, Trader Joe’s recently introduced a lemon elderflower soda...so can that elderflower Starbucks latte really be far behind?

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