8 Tips from Calligraphists to Improve Your Penmanship Before Thank-You Card Time

Stationary secrets to help you craft the perfect holiday thank-you card.

“Brown paper packages tied up with strings; these are a few of my favorite things!” As Dame Julie Andrews lyrically dictates in The Sound of Music, it’s the time of year when the sport of holiday gift-giving has football beat in popularity. Whatever the gift a plush FAO Schwarz unicorn to ride or a NY Yankee Gucci cap one rule applies: thank-you cards are a must. Emily Post says it, your mother says it; we’ll join the chorus.

To make the task a bit more fun, Vogue sought out advice from calligraphers whose unmatched artistry will wow your receiver. Stephanie Fishwick hand-wrote Gwyneth Paltrow’s wedding invites. Paul Antonio writes laws on vellum for Her Majesty the Queen. Nicolas Ouchenir executes fashion week invites with as much precision as the designers sending their looks down the runway. Even Vogue’s own Jessie Nichols offers up some tidbits.

Here, 8 calligraphers offer up their stationary secrets to help you craft the perfect holiday thank-you card. You’ll be writing like Meghan Markle in no time.

Go Slow, and Write Big

“I know, I know, you have awful handwriting, but all you need to do is practice a little and write slower and the letters will look better. Opening an envelope and seeing your name on it is way more impressive than a generic greeting. Write the name or greeting big, leave space between the letters. Go back in and now add another line to each line, leaving an open space between the lines. You can fill this with color, or get some glitter gel pens and go nuts.” -Paul Antonio, @PAScribe

Find the Right Pen

“Since I’m a professional calligrapher, the pressure to make each note elaborate was causing me to procrastinate. My advice: Get over sending something perfect every time. I go by a classic, tried-and-true method. I write my thank you notes in some version of French Cursive or Palmer Script using a “monoline” pen. I love Micron pens and Pelikan “Fineliner 96 in fine 0,4” —I have one in every color! Oh, and don’t forget to strike through your name at the top of your personal stationery—it’s an old fashioned way to show your friendship!” -Stephanie Fishwick, @stephaniefishwick

Select Stationary You Love

“One could say choosing your stationery is just as important as selecting your clothing. So often, the way you dress is the first impression people get of who you are. Similarly, the stationery you choose for a thank you note or any note, for that matter, is the first impression they’ll get of your gratitude. For thank you notes, I always recommend doing a bespoke lined envelope, as one typically can't wait to see the stationery after that first sneak peek. For the actual notecard, I like something personalized with one’s initials and a hand-painted border. That said, the best recommendation is a little obvious, but be sure to stay true to yourself when selecting your stationery. Above all, it should be a reflection of who you are and what you like—and if it’s something you’re excited about, it will make you more likely to write your thank you notes…which is the most important thing.” -LouLou Baker, @peepspaperproducts

Do a Bit of Research

“A handwritten note never goes out of style!  It all starts with the right tools; oblique pens can be tricky when you're just starting out or are a lefty like me. Le Pens from Paper Source or Tombow's dual brush pens are terrific—they're perfect for traveling without the mess and come in an assortment of colors. As for your design, Pinterest is always my go-to website, but if you're looking to add a bit more sparkle and originality, check out Thepostmansknock.com and lhcalligraphy.com. Both sites have festive templates, tips and worksheets to give your note cards the ultimate makeover.” -Jessica Nichols, @nicolettedesign

Try Fun-Size

“This year, for my children’s thank you cards, I focused on creating keep-sakes before a word has even been written. Instead of white, I chose some really vibrant colored cards, written and decorated in white ink. Even the simplest children’s doodles can take on a really chic slant when scribbled in white onto a darker card stock! For this, the ink needs to be opaque: I use Liquitex Titanium White with a fine watercolor brush for borders and flourishes, with an opaque white ballpoint for any handwriting: Uni-ball Signo works well. My preferred card stock is always GF Smith Colorplan in a nice 350gsm / 445gsm weight.  Their range of colors is fabulous. Keep the cards small and dinky for added charm and minimum word-count, but remember that the smallest envelope size the US Postal Service will send is 3.5” x 5”!” -Fin Fellowes, @finfellowes

Dare to Doodle

“I recently made a beaded necklace for my friend Erin Wylie, and on the perimeter of the thank you note she wrote me, she drew the necklace with bead-by-bead accuracy. That sets a high bar, but I do think that illustration elevates any thank-you-note and takes some pressure off the writing. Even if it's a scribbled contribution from a toddler or a ball-point pen graph charting your happiness since receiving the present in question, it really tickles the gift-giver.” -Happy Menocal, @happymenocalstudio

Put the “You” in Thank You

“Be sure to let your giver know what the BEST part of the gift is for you! Let them know how pleased you are to receive a gift from them because THEY are important to you. Tell them how great it makes you feel to be remembered in such a thoughtful way. As for paper….we LOVE great papers and colorful liners and the kind of pens that flow across the paper...makes our thoughts flow too!” -Ellen Weldon, @ellenweldondesign

Never Underestimate a Neutral

“Use a postcard size 14 x 10,5 cm, only laid paper. No bristol, it’s too bright and you can't write with ink on it. Keep the color natural white; never ivory, etc. It should be neutral, chic. Strictly match the envelope. I recommend several brands: Lalo, Original Crown Mill or Hieronymus. As for writing, you should write with fountain pen with pump; never felt or indelible marker. Best inks: Mont Blanc, Faber-Castell or Waterman.” -Nicolas Ouchenir, @nicolasouchenir

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