8 Things You Shouldn't Store Under Your Kitchen Sink, According to Experts

<p>The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska</p>

The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska

It doesn’t matter how perfectly your kitchen is designed—there’s one problem area many of us deal with: under the kitchen sink. If you can't get the cabinet under your kitchen sink tidy and organized—and keep it that way—please know, you're not alone.

As with all great problems, sometimes the solution starts with figuring out what you shouldn’t do first. With this in mind, we turned to a few of our favorite organizing experts to ask: what things should we remove from under our kitchen sink for good?

Here’s what we learned should definitely get removed from this common kitchen problem zone.

Too Many Products

<p>Andrey Zhuravlev / Getty Images</p>

Andrey Zhuravlev / Getty Images

Before you get started, Jan Johnson Serafen of The Ordered Home Inc. points out it might not matter what’s under your cabinet if everything is under your cabinet.

“Poor organizational issues are often a result of too many items or products for the defined space,” she says.

This means step one should really be to clear out any excess—think duplicates, items you don’t use that can get donated, or anything empty or out of date that can get tossed or recycled.

Combustible, Flammable, or Hazardous Cleaning Supplies

<p>The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska</p>

The Spruce / Ulyana Verbytska

Under your sink is a great place for cleaning supplies, but Kendra Littlejohn of Organized by Kendra suggests giving this some careful consideration. Given the proximity to moisture and plumbing, avoid sticking anything in this area that’s prone to combustion, like certain aerosols or alcohol-based cleaners.

“Many cleaning supplies are hazardous and can combust in the wrong conditions,” she says.

In addition, some items are best stored outside of the house entirely. Anything hazardous is probably best stashed in your garage or shed, if possible.

“Pesticides also pose a risk to children and pets,” she says.

Anything That's Ruined When Wet

<p>Liudmila Chernetska / Getty Images</p>

Liudmila Chernetska / Getty Images

As Serafen also notes, one of the biggest problems with the under-sink zone is that there’s almost always plumbing that gets in the way.

“Toss in even a tiny unexpected plumbing leak, and you've got a musty mess on your hands,” Serafen says.

Obviously, you can hope your plumbing is fully functional and never an issue, but it’s a reality that sometimes pipes leak. If that happens, you don’t want to make the issue even worse because you’ve stashed items in here that really shouldn’t get wet.

Find other homes for things like paper products, as well as spare matches, candles, and anything prone to rust.

Any and All Food Items

<p>Bogdan Kurylo / Getty Images</p>

Bogdan Kurylo / Getty Images

For a similar reason, Tanu Grewal, the chief cleaning officer at Ensueño, Cloralen, and Pinalen, says under the sink is never an ideal spot for food items—for pets or humans.

“This area is prone to moisture and leaky cleaning supplies, meaning it can lead to food contamination,” she says. “To avoid getting sick, always keep these items in a dry storage area like a cabinet or pantry.”

Littlejohn wholeheartedly agrees, noting produce is one of the most egregious things she’s spotted under a kitchen sink.

"This is an absolute no,” she says. “The area under the sink is prone to moisture, leaks, mold and mildew, and pest infestation.”

Small Appliances

<p>The Spruce / Leticia Almeida</p>

The Spruce / Leticia Almeida

While this cabinet might seem like the perfect spot for any small appliances you don’t use regularly, Grewal says that’s not true. In her opinion, it’s not a good idea to keep blenders, air fryers, toasters, or other kitchen appliances under the sink, as leaks from the faucet and cleaning products can damage appliances.

Instead, store your small appliances in other cabinets or consider adding an appliance garage to corral them.

Non-Kitchen Related Items

<p>Anastasiia Krivenok</p>

Anastasiia Krivenok

It makes sense that cleaning items for other rooms might drift into your kitchen. Serafen warns, though, that this can lead to an under-the-sink disaster zone if you’re not careful.

She suggests clearing out anything for other rooms, such as household cleaners for the bathroom, laundry room, or garage, as well as duplicates and backstock for general cleaning items.

Grewal agrees, noting this might also enhance your cleaning routine in general.

“I recommend keeping each cleaning product where you’ll actually be using it,” she says. “Having to lug your laundry detergent or toilet cleaner from the kitchen to a different room just adds one extra barrier to cleaning, and can ultimately make you less motivated to get it done.”

Ill-Fitted Organizers

<p>Tatiana Maksimova / Getty Images</p>

Tatiana Maksimova / Getty Images

Due to the plumbing and pipes, Serafen points out that finding a well-fitted organizing system is also incredibly key. Otherwise, you risk losing space to mini shelves and turntables that don't actually solve your problems.

“Measure to the left and right of plumbing, as well as to the front and rear of the cabinet—cabinet height, too!” says Serafen.

This isn’t a space you can squeeze into if you want it to look organized and stay that way, so only buy things that fit—and never overstuff.

Dirt, Grime, and Mildew

<p>The Spruce / Henry Wortock</p>

The Spruce / Henry Wortock

No matter what you keep under your kitchen sink, Grewal says there’s one thing we all need to agree doesn’t belong there: dirt, dust, and grime. Yet, often, it's unfortunately prevalent.

“While under the kitchen sink may seem like the last place you want to scrub, it’s important to keep this area clean to avoid the buildup of mold and bacteria,” she says.

Grewal suggests removing everything, tackling it with a handheld vacuum or broom, and then using a multipurpose cleaner to wipe away anything that’s left behind.

Read Next: 7 Items You Shouldn't Keep in Your Kitchen, According to Pros

Read the original article on The Spruce.