8 things anyone who shops at Modcloth all the time knows to be true

8 things anyone who shops at Modcloth all the time knows to be true

8 things anyone who shops at Modcloth all the time knows to be true
8 things anyone who shops at Modcloth all the time knows to be true

1. You go to the site looking for a dress to wear to the wedding and end up with a new purse, a pair of sandals, and a tea infuser shaped like a manatee. (Whaaaat? It’s cute.)

manatee modcloth
manatee modcloth

2. That high-waisted bra-and-panties set you thought you could never pull off? You can totally pull it off.


3. You can never own too many polka dots . . .

mod cloth polka dot heels
mod cloth polka dot heels

4. . . . or florals.

modcloth floral
modcloth floral

5. Your closet has a least one dress with a Peter Pan collar.

mod cloth peter pan collar
mod cloth peter pan collar

6. Sloths go with everything . . .

modcloth sloth panties
modcloth sloth panties

7. And unicorns DO exist.

modcloth unicorns
modcloth unicorns

8. And really, if your mom had just kept everything she wore in the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s, your savings account would have a lot more money in it. For real.

The post 8 things anyone who shops at Modcloth all the time knows to be true appeared first on HelloGiggles.