8 Reasons to Convince You to Have an Engagement Photo Shoot

Now that you've said I do to marrying your S.O., you're up for a few very intense and drama-filled months, aka wedding planning. But before you follow a thousand wedding blogs on Instagram and start pinning like your life depended on it, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of this moment.

And there's no better way to do it than to have a romantic engagement photo shoot. If you think that's cheesy and you don't want to be one of those couples who post a thousand photos on social media of every single detail of their engagement, we have news for you. You don't have ot be one of those couples. Engagement photo shoots are done for you and your partner, not the rest of the world. You'll have those beautiful photos to look at for the rest of your life. They mark the beginning of a lifelong journey and that's all that matters.

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And if you're still not convinced, we asked the pros at Carats & Cake to share with us eight more reasons to call up a photographer and set up your photo shoot RN.