8 Products You Need for Your Deepest Sleep Yet

A good night’s sleep can make all the difference, but unfortunately, many find it challenging to fall and stay asleep. A study by the bedding company Nectar reports that more than 60 million Americans deal with insomnia. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults ages 26-64 should be sleeping seven to eight hours every night, but that's not always plausible. Although Nectar notes that there are a few steps you can take to help you fall asleep faster, such as not eating late and putting down the phone, there are also plenty of products dedicated to solving your sleep problems. Here are a few of our favorite items for banishing sleep deprivation and achieving those eight nightly hours of sleep.

Best Sleep Products For a Good Night's Rest

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1. Essential Oils

Lavender essential oil topped a few of our editors’ lists. Its soothing scent promotes peaceful sleep and relaxation. You can add a drop or two to a spray bottle of water and spray the scent onto your sheets, or fill your bedroom with a light lavender scent using a diffuser.

Buy It: doTerra Lavender Essential Oil, $30.67, Amazon

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2. Essential Oil Diffuser

A diffuser goes hand in hand with essential oils. After you buy your favorite lavender oil, be sure to snag this wood grain diffuser. The aesthetically pleasing device illuminates in your choice of seven different colors and mists continuously or in one- to three-hour increments. Plus, the mini size is perfect for traveling and useful in hotels with a dry atmosphere.

Buy It: VicTsing Mini Essential Oil Diffuser, $21.99, Amazon

Courtesy of Target

3. Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin is what your brain needs to tell your body it’s time for sleep. If you’re having trouble getting to bed at a decent hour, you may want to try a dietary supplement that will give you a melatonin boost. Have two of these gummies about 30 minutes before your bedtime and you’ll feel ready to drift off as soon as your head hits the pillow. And as a bonus, you'll wake up without that groggy feeling sometimes associated with melatonin supplements.

Buy It: Olly Restful Sleep Zen Vitamin Gummies, $12.89

Courtesy of Bath and Body Works

4. Pillow Mist

If lavender doesn’t do the trick for you, don’t give up on essential oils just yet. One of our editors swears by the black chamomile pillow mist from Bath and Body Works. This cocktail of chamomile and bergamot oils calms you down and relaxes your body. Spritz your pillow with this magic elixir before you go to sleep every night.

Buy It: Black Chamomile Aromatherapy, $12, Amazon

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5. Magnesium Supplements

Give your nightly glass of water a boost with Calmful Sleep supplements by Natural Vitality. These tablets dissolve in water and deliver a healthy dosage of magnesium, a mineral that promotes natural relaxation. Don’t take this every night, however—the brand recommends only using Calmful Sleep when you really need the extra help falling asleep.

Buy It: Calmful Sleep Supplements, $29.99, Amazon

Courtesy of Bed Bath and Beyond

6. White Noise Machine

For many, it can be tough to go to sleep in complete silence. However, keeping your TV turned on, even at a low volume, can mess with sleep because of blue light that limits melatonin. And a fan running in the winter just isn't practical. A better solution to this problem is a white noise machine. This one from Bed Bath and Beyond will lull you to sleep in no time.

Buy It: White Noise Machine, from $49.99, Bed Bath & Beyond

Courtesy of Ulta

7. Sleep Mask

It’s hard to ignore your phone lighting up as you try to fall asleep. Keep social media out of sight and out of mind with the help of a sleep mask that blocks out light. For cooling relief, put this gel mask in the refrigerator for an hour or the freezer for five to 10 minutes, and then place on your face. The chill is ideal for eliminating headaches.

Buy It: Earth Therapeutics Gel Bead Sleeping Mask, $9, Ulta

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8. Weighted Blanket

If you have anxiety or trouble falling asleep, consider a weighted blanket. These lightly weighted covers gently and naturally lull you to sleep while calming anxiety and stress. Weighted blankets are scientifically proven to work, and you can now find them at a lower prices as they become more popular. Purchase one that is 10 percent of your body weight and you'll be dreaming in no time.

Buy It: ZonLi Weighted Blanket, $69.99, Amazon