8 Fun and Festive Desserts for Your Easter Table

Easter will be here before you know it, and if you’re starting to plan your dessert menu, we have eight beautiful and delicious options your fellow diners will love!

No. 1: Chocolate Cream Egg Croissants

If you love those fancy chocolate croissants at pastry shops (Pain au Chocolat as the French say), we’re showing you how to kick it up a notch by baking a crème egg candy inside a croissant! And it’s a lot easier than you might think!

Watch Rach and Grant whip them up in the video above!

No. 2: Coconutty Bunny Cake

The recipe for this adorable and festive cake comes to us from Rach’s sister Maria, who is the baker of the family. This is a great surprise to make for any kids in your life!

No. 3: Peep Crispy Treats

This is kind of amazing and is sure to wow your kids, your kids’ friends, and even your kids’ friends’ moms. You just melt marshmallow Peeps in the microwave, mix with butter and Rice Krispies, then layer in a loaf pan in alternating colors – rainbow Rice Krispie treats!

No. 4: Yigit Pura’s Berries and Cream Parfait

This berry and cream dessert makes for a dramatic and beautiful presentation that will elevate any holiday table.

No. 5: Grant's Banana Split Ice Cream Cake

This recipe combines two classic desserts -- store-bought ice cream sandwiches and banana splits -- into one jaw-droppingly-good cake. Top it all with peanuts and what you'll get is pure happiness.

No. 6: Peanut Butter Bunny Cups

This is one you can make with your kids. You basically just cut the ears off a hollow chocolate bunny, then fill the bunny with some peanut butter mousse. A bunny with a hidden surprise, how fun!

No. 7: Grant’s No-Measure Yogurt Cake

Many people are turned off by baking because of all that precise measuring you have to do. For those who are looking for an easy (and delicous) short cut, try Grant's no-measure Yogurt Cake, which, as you might guess, requires no measuring cups or spoons. You can thank us, later.

No. 8: Hoppin’ Bunny Shakes

Warning – this drink is only for the adults table! Just blend up a chocolate bunny with coffee ice cream, espresso, Kahlua and vodka... Happy Easter, indeed!

Which of these do you think you’ll make? Tell us below and watch Grant make his amazing multi-color Peep Crispy Treats below!

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