8 Easy Ways to Keep Your Home Clean (and Pretty!) with Pets

Speaking first hand (as the mama of a sweet pup), keeping a home stylish and clean with pets can be SUCH a challenge. Because for me? The two go hand in hand. After nearly 8 years with our girl Savannah, I think I've finally got a good routine figured out to tackle the not-so-pretty that comes with having a pet. Grab the tips below!

Hardwood Helps

If you can afford it (or you are moving into a new house like we did), go for hardwood! Seriously, such a lifesaver when it comes to the ease of vacuuming and getting all that hair up. You can always layer with pretty area rugs for a bit of fun, but I recommend keeping area rugs out of high traffic areas that your pets are using.

Learn to Love Vacuuming

Even still, if you've got hardwood?learn to love that vacuum folks. It comes with the territory of being a pet owner (if you want a clean house). We use our heavy duty pet-geared vacuum once a week for a deep cleaning and then supplement in between every 2-3 days with a smaller cordless vacuum that makes the task a little less daunting.

No Paws Allowed

I know it's hard, I know—they are the best couch snugglers. But I highly suggest setting a no pets on the furniture rule. This really should be established right away, but if you've cracked at times (everyone needs a good fur baby snuggling on the couch every now and then), all hope is not lost. First things first, make sure you've got designated pet beds or areas just for them. Try our No-Sew DIY Pet Bed! I also LOVE this stylish striped one from Fresh American.

Avoid Meal Time Mess

Meal time doesn't have to mean clanky metal bowls and slobbery messes on the floor. We traded our classic metal dishes that you find at a pet store for simple large white ceramic metal dishes. They won't rust and they just look a whole lot better. Place on a pretty, durable place mat if your pet is slobber-prone, and if you're finding things are still a mess?try bigger bowls to contain everything.

Home Grooming Station

Depending on your lifestyle and the activities you enjoy on a regular basis, you might find it helpful to have a pet grooming area. The laundry room is always a great area for this if you've got the space! Our pup doesn't get too messy, so we don't have a designated pet shower, but when we bring her to the beach a lot during the warmer months we make sure to rinse and dry her off pretty good before letting her back into the house.

Professional Grooming Routine

If you don't currently groom your pet on a regular basis, start! It makes SUCH a difference with the hair. We thought we could bathe and groom our dog on our own in the beginning but after bringing her to a professional groomer for the first time, we never looked back. We usually try to bring our pup every 4-6 weeks depending on the time of year. Your pet might need more or less depending on their coat, but I swear it really is life changing when it comes to hair control, and keeps them smelling so fresh all the time.

A Space of their Own

I mentioned giving your pet their own bed or designated area, but if you have the space, dedicate a room for your pets when you need to keep them while you're out of the house. Tiled rooms are great for this! If our pup is being naughty or super rambunctious we put her in our tiled sun room that we can close off with pocket doors. Also great for when we're vacuuming and want her out of the way, entertaining friends and family or, if you've got babies in the house.

Tidy Toys

Toy baskets are a must have! Get something stylish that ties into the vibe of your home and fill it with stylish toys too, of course. Our pup does NOT mix well with cotton stuffed toys, so we have durable rope toys and antler pieces which are her absolute fave.