Women’s Charity Calls for Johnny Depp to Be Dropped by Dior

Johnny Depp is facing major backlash for his ad campaign with Dior.

The 52-year-old Pirates of the Caribbean actor, who is facing domestic abuse allegations from his wife, Amber Heard, is the face of Dior’s Sauvage fragrance.

However, Women’s Aid, a national charity in England for women and children experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional abuse in their homes, believes Dior should reconsider Depp as its spokesman for the brand, should Heard’s accusations against him be proved true.

(Photo courtesy Dior)
Photo: courtesy of Dior

“If the allegations of domestic abuse are proven to be true, we would hope that a responsible fashion house would not continue to work with a perpetrator — no matter how high-profile they may be,” Women’s Aid told the Guardian.

“We need to send out a strong message that domestic abuse will not be condoned or tolerated.”

During the 2015 ad for Sauvage, which means wild in French, Depp can be seen driving a car through the desert and broodily staring into the distance. He drives by a bison. A wolf stands on top of his car. Deep, deep stuff.

Just last night Depp appeared on camera for the first time since Heard’s lawyers filed documents accusing him of throwing a mobile phone at the actress, striking her cheek and eye.

Holding a guitar and wearing a leather jacket, Depp says in the clip: “Hi, I’m Johnny Depp with the Hollywood Vampires.”

After urging fans to go to the show, he smiled and lifted his guitar, then added: “We hope to see you there and have some big fun. Have fun.”

In a statement released last week, Heard claimed that Depp had allegedly been “physically abusive” toward her for their whole relationship.

“During the entirety of our relationship, Depp has been verbally and physically abusive to me,” she said.

“I endured excessive emotional, verbal, and physical abuse from Johnny, which has included angry, hostile, humiliating, and threatening assaults to me whenever I questioned his authority or disagreed with him.”

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