7 Tools & Ingredients to Pack in Your Suitcase for a Trip

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As a former hotel and restaurant inspector for four years, I spent two and a half weeks of the month on the road—my life was a revolving door of planes, trains, airports and hotels around the world. While amazing in some respects, the downside was that I got tired of eating out all the time (even though it’s one of my favorite things), and there was the potential for hangriness when caught in inevitable massive delays on the road without a snack. (If you’re unfamiliar with the word hangry, it’s when a hungry person becomes angry. It’s not pretty.)

As someone who suffers from hardcore hanger syndrome, I make sure to have food with me at all times when I'm on a trip to avoid this unpleasant fate—both for myself and anyone near me. This way, I can reach into my bag and soothe myself with a snack before making any decisions. To avoid this potential spoiler during your next trip—whether for work or fun—I put together a list of ingredients and tools to pack so you can throw together reliable impromptu meals or snacks without relying on eating out for every single meal, no matter where in the world you are.

1. DIY Coffee on the Road

Good coffee makes everything better. It also helps jumpstart the day and counteract any lingering jet lag. Whether you’re particular about making your coffee in the morning or are traveling to a country that grows incredible coffee, the Amovee French Press Travel mug let’s you do both. My favorite part is that you can make it in the actual cup so it’s one less thing to pack—efficiency at its best. Just picture yourself enjoying a hot cup of coffee in your own mug while sitting on the balcony staring over the ocean (side note: please bring me with you, I’ll pack the beans!). A bonus is that you can make tea in it as well if you’re looking for a calming cup before bed.

The AeroPress is another lightweight way to make coffee on the go. Just remember to bring the filters with you. Invented in 2005, the Aeropress is a relatively new brewing method. And, with a brew time of about a minute, it will make you a cup of coffee fast. Grounds are packed into a chamber and fully immersed in water for 60 seconds; then the water (now a smooth, rich coffee) is plunged through a small filter into a mug. The device's compact size and quick brew time make it ideal for people who want excellent coffee while traveling (but don't want to resort to the in-room Mr. Coffee machine). Use the coffee machine to make hot water, or ask for some from room service.

BUY IT: MOVEE French Press Travel Coffee Press Mug Tea and Coffee Maker Bottle, $20 on Amazon

BUY IT: Aeropress Coffee & Espresso Maker, $30 on Amazon

2. The New BYOB

Bringing your own beans—the new BYOB—guarantees that you can start the morning with your favorite brew, plus it will save you a ton of money as a latte seems to be at least upwards of $5 these days. Stumptown or Intelligentsia are two great options, but check here for more great options. If you’re going to a country that doesn’t allow you to bring in coffee beans (check ahead of time), then do a little research and buy one from a store that sounds interesting. Get the smallest bag you can find as you might not be able to bring it back into the US with you, ask them to grind it, and make sure to bring a rubber band so that you can use it as a backup sealer to avoid any spillage. I love the smell of coffee, but smelling like coffee for an entire trip is a completely different matter.

If you’re really hardcore, then you might want to pack a hand-held grinder—It would also be handy for any short car trips as well, if, say, your in-laws or friends don’t operate on the same coffee level as you do.

BUY IT: Stumptown House Blend, 18 ounces, $18 on Amazon

BUY IT: Intelligentsia, Medium Roast, 12 ounces, $14 on Amazon

BUY IT: Hario Ceramic Coffee Mill, $54 on Amazon

3. Granola & Food Storage Pouches

Granola is an instant win on trips because it’s so versatile: Snack on it as is, use it to top individual yogurt containers from a nearby grocery store, or ask the hotel for a cup of milk to have a bowl in the morning. You can purchase your favorite brand, like the Chocolate Sea Salt one below, or make your own with this recipe for Paleo Granola with Coconut and Almonds. Store your homemade batch in sealed plastic bags or these really cute pouches below.

BUY IT: Chocolate Sea Salt Granola, 8 oz, $7 on PurelyElizabeth

BUY IT: Food Storage Pouches, Pack of 20, $9 on Amazon

5. Fruit and Nut Mixes

Before any big trip, I visit the bulk food aisle at Whole Foods and mix and match my favorites, like dried mango, almonds, pumpkin seeds, salted cashews and so on. Or, I buy pre-mixed fruit and nut mixes. This is usually the emergency stash that I nibble on when I get to a hotel room or after really long walks (to be honest, I walk around New York City with it in my bag, just in case). Plus, they give your oatmeal and yogurt a textural crunch and added sweetness from the dried fruit.

BUY IT: Peeled Snacks Organic Dried Fruit Mix, Pack of 5, $23 on Amazon

BUY IT: Trader’s Joe’s Soft Mango, Pack of 4, $19 on Amazon

6. Nut Butter Packets

These not only work as toppings for oatmeal or on crackers but also as solo snacks in a pinch if you’re hungry on the go. The packets are great as they don’t take up much space and can be slipped into the smallest of purses or pockets. I also love buying a banana or apple from the airport or a corner store and coating it with the peanut butter as an impromptu snack.

BUY IT: Justin’s Almond Butter Squeeze Packets, Packet of 10, $12 on Amazon

BUY IT: Peanut Butter & Co Sqeeze Packs, Packet of 20, $23 on Amazon

BUY IT: Ryevita Original Rye Crispbread, 2 packets $9 on Amazon

7. Nori Sheets

Crunchy, slightly salty and highly snackable, nori sheets are the ideal plane snack. While they’ve now made smaller, bite-sized pieces that are toasted for an even better taste, I still slip the big sheets in my bag as it fits snugly behind my laptop case. I like them because you can use them to make wraps with tuna or other proteins and vegetables you buy at the store. It can serve as an impromptu hotel meal when you're on a work trip and don't feel like eating yet another meal out. Some people have folders containing important work documents, I have giant sheets of nori tucked away.

BUY IT: Emerald Cove Nori Sheets, 10 sheets, $11 on Amazon

BUY IT: Jayone Seaweed, Roasted and Lightly Salted, Pack of 24, $12 on Amazon

Originally Appeared on Epicurious