7 Things to Get Rid of This Fall and Never Miss

Things to get rid of fall 2020, woman decluttering closet
Things to get rid of fall 2020, woman decluttering closet

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Sure, we all know that the start of spring is a great time to get our homes in order—but autumn is another opportunity to assess what we own and declutter before the winter nesting season begins. Now is a great time to make sure your spice cabinet is ready for winter baking and purge some outdated summer dresses and swimsuits rather than store them away. Plus, by getting rid of items you no longer need this fall, you'll free up space for holiday decor and family activities this winter. Just think, with the dining table (finally!) cleared off, you'll have room for cozy family dinners, jigsaw puzzles, and craft projects.

RELATED: How to Declutter Every Room in Your Home—Fast

Old Halloween Costumes

Now that Halloween 2021 is over, sort through that collection of getups from All Hallows' Eves past. You might want to keep basics that can be used again, like a witch's hat or cloak, but toss any specific costumes you or your kids are unlikely to rewear. If they're in good condition, you may be able to disinfect and donate them.

Expired Spices

Before you start roasting vegetables and making mulled wine, we have some news: your spices are most likely expired. Expired spices are generally harmless, but they do lose flavor. Take a minute to sort through your spice cabinet so you can enjoy more delicious meals this winter.

Exercise Equipment You Never Use

If you switched from working out at the gym to exercising at home, you should already know exactly which workout gear you actually use. Is that yoga mat or folding treadmill still collecting dust in the closet? It may be time to let it go and focus on the workouts you can actually commit to.

Summer Makeup

If you switch to foundation or powder that's a shade more sun-kissed during the summer months, consider getting rid of these cosmetics before winter hits. It may be tempting to keep them for next year, but old makeup can become a breeding ground for bacteria.

RELATED: Our Complete Guide to Makeup Expiration Dates

Worn-Out Beach Gear

Make room in the garage or attic by ditching broken umbrellas and beach chairs. Donate tattered beach towels to your local animal rescue.

Outgrown Toys

Let's face it: if your kids haven't played with that toy truck, doll, or train set over the past year, they've officially outgrown it. Decluttering the toy chest now means they'll have room for new presents this holiday season.

Outdated Gowns and Formal Wear

Now that the most popular wedding season of the year is over, it's a good time to check out your stash of formal dresses or outfits. It may be time to ditch anything you haven't worn in several years or that no longer fits.

If you have a collection of dresses you'll never wear again but that are in good condition (yes, all those bridesmaid dresses), consider donating them to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army.