7 things the flight crew wish passengers did or didn’t do


Pilots know their planes inside and out — and they especially know the do’s and don’ts of flying etiquette. From the seat belts to the floors, here’s a list of what the flight crew recommends passengers should and shouldn’t do from in their next flight.

1. Get organized before boarding

The boarding process can be long and annoying, but ensuring that carry-on bags are packed and ready to be stored is highly recommended by all flight crew.

Stefán Dór Arnarsson, a pilot at the Icelandic airline Play, said to HuffPost, “Before boarding begins, I arrange my belongings to minimize my time getting to my seat. I take everything out of my overhead bin bag that I want to have with me in my seat during the flight.”

2. Give attention to the safety presentation

Whether it’s in a creative video or by a flight attendant, safety presentations are no joke. Safety is the biggest priority on any flight — and it may come in handy when there’s an emergency.

3. When attendants come by with refreshments, place the headphones down

It’s considered courteous — when the flight attendant directly asks for food and beverage — to take out your headphones when giving your order.

Lorelei McAree, a flight attendant for a US airline, told Business Insider that it’s not only polite, but is also respectful.

4. Have caution about the cleanliness of planes

A JetBlue flight attendant told Business Insider, “The dirtiest part of the plane has to be the tray tables — people constantly lay their heads on them, change babies’ diapers, and rest their feet on them.”

5. Look out for the plane water

Business Insider reported some flight attendants won’t dare to drink the airline water. One attendant said, “Flight attendants will not drink hot water on the plane. They will not drink plain coffee, and they will not drink plain tea.”

6. Wear shoes while going to the bathroom

No matter how comfortable you want to get, always wear your shoes — especially if you’re going to the bathroom.

Arnarsson shared with the New York Post about this issue, saying “Many passengers understandably take their shoes off when seated for comfort during the flight, but I always make sure to wear shoes when using the bathroom.”

7. Stay in assigned seating before arriving at the gate

Not only is it illegal to unbuckle the seat belt and stand up before the flight connects to the airport ramp — it can also be hazardous.

Michelle Gooris, a charter airline pilot who blogs under the nickname Dutch Pilot Girl, shared with HuffPost how pilots can unexpectedly press on the brakes, causing some to fall and get injured.

She adds, “Even-though this seems common sense, you’d be surprised how many times passengers do stand up before the aircraft arrives at the gate.”

