3 Super-Easy Tapas Recipes

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José Andrés (minibar by José Andrés, Washington, DC)
José Andrés (minibar by José Andrés, Washington, DC)

Chef José Andrés is known for two things: his incredible Spanish food and his wild, insanely fun parties. What's his secret? Keep it simple, he says. Here, are three super-fast tapas.

1. Chorizo-Filled Dates Wrapped in Bacon

Sweet, smoky and savory, these are the perfect bite-sized hors d'oeuvres.

2. Garlicky Shrimp with Olive Oil

Serve this dish with plenty of bread for dipping into the garlicky oil after the shrimp have been eaten.

6. Cauliflower Fritters

Andrés tops these delicious fritters with yogurt sauce and caviar.

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