7 Super-Common Period Myths

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From Cosmopolitan

Ever since you got your first period way back in those oh-so fun teenage years, you’ve likely heard *a lot* of tales about that time of the month. Some sound straight-up crazy—like period sex can cause deformed babies (um, nope!)—while others make us question what’s actually true. Like, can you get pregnant on your period?

Today, docs say a lot of these myths are still floating around, and they get questions about ’em every day. So, what’s true and what’s not when it comes to your cycle? Here, ob-gyns and fertility specialists iron out seven common period myths—’cause there’s already enough fake news going around.

Getting your period every month means you’re fertile.

A regular monthly period is a strong indicator of fertility and that you’re ovulating (a key ingredient to getting pregnant). But fertility requires more than that—namely, a healthy egg, sperm, a uterus, and fallopian tubes, says Sheeva Talebian, MD, a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist at CCRM, a fertility clinic in New York.

So unfortunately, that means having a cycle that comes like clockwork every month doesn’t mean you’ll for sure get pregnant when you want to. Getting regular periods and trying to get pregnant with no luck? Seek help after six months if you’re over 35 and after 12 months if you’re under 35, suggests Dr. Talebian.

You can’t get pregnant while you have your period.

Okay, this one’s *kind of* true. “When you have your period, your uterine lining is shedding. This is typically not the time of your cycle when you can get pregnant,” says Dr. Talebian. However, healthy sperm can live in your reproductive tract for days and cycles can vary in length from month to month, so if you have unprotected sex during your period and ovulate early, you can still get pregnant, confirms Dr. Talebian.

Also worth noting: Not all vaginal bleeding is menstrual bleeding, says Erin Dawson-Chalat, MD, an ob-gyn based in Scarborough, Maine. Read: You might be spotting and think you’re on your period when you’re not, meaning you could be closer to ovulation (i.e., when your likelihood of getting pregnant is much higher) than you think.

You have to get a period every single month.

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Photo credit: Getty Images

If you’re on hormonal contraception—think: the pill or a hormonal IUD—you might not get a monthly period, says Dr. Dawson-Chalat. “This is due to the effect of the hormones reducing the thickness of the uterine lining.”

If you’re not on hormonal contraception, on the other hand, it’s true: You should expect a monthly period. That said, sometimes you might miss your period for one reason or another (like stress or your weight). But if you’re missing your menses, see your doc, she says.

You can’t exercise or swim while on your period.

“Our mothers and grandmothers may have heard this from their moms,” says Nina Resetkova, MD, a reproductive endocrinologist and fertility specialist at Boston IVF and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. “In the past, it was thought that women should rest around the time of their menstrual cycle and that exercising could worsen menstrual pain and bleeding.”

The truth: Research shows that exercising before and during your period may actually help your symptoms. “Regular exercise can impact your hormonal profile, which can improve menstrual cramping and even heavy flow,” explains Dr. Talebian. Plus, 45 minutes on the Spin bike is a fab way to burn energy and balance out those crazy cravings. And the natural endorphin high you’re left with? That can help you feel better mentally and fend off fluid retention (read: annoying bloat).

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is fake.

It ain’t. “PMS is real and due to the hormonal environment post-ovulation,” says Dr. Talebian. You know all too well what it feels like: major fatigue, moodiness, sore boobs, poor sleep, even weight gain—ugh. “These symptoms are most often due to elevated progesterone and estrogen in your luteal phase, which occurs post-ovulation,” she says.

Your tampon can get lost for good in your vagina.

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Photo credit: Carol Yepes - Getty Images

“This myth most likely relates to a lack of understanding of the anatomy of the vagina,” says Dr. Dawson-Chalat. While a tampon *can* technically get lodged high up in your vagina (making the string difficult to find), your cervix stops it from going any farther, so you can reach in and pull it out without causing any harm, she says.

Really bad period-related pain (read: the kind that keeps you home from work or school) is normal.

This myth likely stemmed from a general belief that periods should be painful and that women should be able to put up with pain from menstruation, says Dr. Resetkova.

“Painful periods can suggest a number of underlying gynecologic conditions, including uterine fibroids [noncancerous growths in the uterus] or endometriosis,” she explains. These conditions can worsen over time and mess with your fertility if you don’t treat them, so if you have bad period pain that keeps you from living your day-to-day life, Dr. Resetkova suggests touching base with your ob-gyn or primary care doctor.

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