7 Nostalgic Flowering Plants That Will Take You Back to Grandma's Yard

Grandma's yard was something else. The envy of the neighborhood? Sure. But for her grandchildren who spent years running through the grass barefoot, picking its flowers for bouquets held by sticky little hands, and building forts within the branches of its towering trees, well, it was some kind of magic. Fast forward a few decades or more, and we're brought right back to those days every time we look to create a little magic in the yard ourselves. Sometimes if feels like there's no better way to reconnect with the one we have to thank for so many of our most treasured moments than on hands and knees working in the dirt. While this list of quintessential flowering plants won't plop you right back down in the middle of Grandma's garden, plant a few and they might just transform your yard into the next best thing. We're sharing seven of the South's most nostalgic flowering plants, plus tips on how to make them flourish just like she did. One look at your yard and Grandma would be prouder than a peacock, we just know it.