This $7 Nivea Product Has Saved Me from Beard Burn

Early on in our relationship, my boyfriend and I hit a snag: He hated shaving due to discomfort and razor burn, and my sensitive skin hated his stubble.

For the first three months, we toughed it out. He'd endure the painful shaving process every week or so, and I'd put up with some serious beard burn after his one to two day window of baby-smooth skin wore off.

But finally, one day I'd had enough of dealing with the bright red, irritated skin on my nose and chin that appeared every time I kissed him. So I turned to a shopping editor's best friend, Google. A quick search for ways to treat and prevent razor burn led me to NIVEA Men Sensitive Post-Shave Balm.

I promptly picked up a bottle and texted my BF, "I have a surprise for you." He was visibly less-than-thrilled when he realized that his "surprise" was actually an encouragement for him to shave more. But being the sweet man that he is, he graciously accepted it anyway.

The next day, he arrived clean-shaven. "OK, I'll admit it, that stuff is actually great," he told me. That's pretty much a glowing endorsement coming from a guy who despises shaving so much, he had a full-on beard for 6 months before we met just to avoid the process altogether. He said that the post-shave balm felt great going on—it left his face feeling soothed and cool. And I noticed that his freshly-shaved skin looked a lot less red than usual.

Now over 6 months later, I almost never have to beg him to tame his stubble (a major feat considering it used to be a bi-weekly occurrence). And he uses the NIVEA Post-Shave Balm every time. We both agree that it's one of the best gifts I've ever gotten him, since he never would have tried it on his own.

When it runs out, he might even repurchase it for himself (*fingers crossed*).

Buy It ($7)

RELATED: The 3 Best Products to Treat (and Prevent) Pesky Razor Burn

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