7 Gardening Goals to Set—and Accomplish—in the New Year

senior woman with pot plants in garden
senior woman with pot plants in garden

Tara Moore / Getty

Do you love to garden? If so, you know that one of the most rewarding results is watching your green space grow and thrive over time. To make your approach to gardening even more intentional (and reap the bounty of your hard work!), consider setting a few new goals in the new year.

Whether you are taking up gardening as a new hobby or are a seasoned professional, heeding these expert ideas will help you formulate a landscaping plan—and stick to it over the next 365 days.

Related: 15 Small-Space Garden Ideas to Help You Make the Most of Your Outdoor Area

Get Organized

The only way to tackle loftier gardening goals is by first setting this one: Get organized and look to the seasons ahead, explains Rebecca Sears, Ferry-Morse's CMO and resident green thumb. "I love going into the new year with an organized plan for the upcoming gardening season, starting by simply tidying up my indoor and outdoor spaces or preparing pots and tools for upcoming use," says Sears. "Envisioning my spring garden coming to life during a dreary, cold, winter gives me something to look forward to."

To prepare for the next growing season, get familiar with your hardiness zone ahead of warmer weather, says Sears. This will help you identify the varieties that will thrive in your environment. "Another great tool for getting organized in the new year is a garden planner, so you can keep your gardening goals and aspirations in one place, as well as track your progress towards those goals throughout the year," she says.

Garden Patio with Wicker Furniture and Housecat
Garden Patio with Wicker Furniture and Housecat

Andrea Rugg / GETTY IMAGES

Turn Your Garden Into an Oasis

Aside from envisioning all you will grow in your garden, make it your goal to enjoy spending time there. Consider adding comfortable seating, like a patio furniture set, so you can take in the beauty of the space and your hard work, says Ashley Nussman-Berry, the founder and administrator of Black Planters Facebook Group. "By making this space enjoyable, all the gardening will seem like less work and you can take breaks while enjoying the fruits (hopefully literally, if that's what you're growing!) of your labor," she adds.

Add Comfortable Seating and Elevated Features

Other features can make your garden more comfortable and serene, too, says Katie Tamony, Monrovia CMO and trend spotter. "We are seeing people investing more in quality furnishings, elaborate firepits, pizza ovens, water features, and more to create a relaxing and enjoyable outdoor space," she says.

Fill the Space with Unique Greenery

The plants you choose can also contribute to a more relaxing ambience: Look to varieties with ombré shades, different textured foliage, uplifting tropicals, and grasses that catch the breeze, says Tamony. Your houseplants can get in on the fun, too: "Larger plants that may typically live inside the home are being brought outside for the season to create a lush, relaxing feel," she says.

Grow Something New

There's no time like the present to think about growing something new in your garden. Consider it a welcome challenge, offers Nussman-Berry. "You expand your plant knowledge, and what better way to learn than by trial and error?" she says. "You may even find a new family of plants to love."

Try Philodendrons

She suggests giving Philodendron plants a try in the new year. While Nussman-Berry notes that monstera plants have been popular over the last few years, this low-maintenance option is one to watch (and grow!), both inside and out. "Give them light and let them dry out in between watering sessions and they are happy," she says. "They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, so there is a perfect philodendron for every plant lover.

Sweet William or Dianthus Barbatus, a popular fragrant biennial garden plant.
Sweet William or Dianthus Barbatus, a popular fragrant biennial garden plant.


Introduce Trending Colors

If you love to incorporate color into your home, make it a point to do the same with your garden. Consider looking at trending shades and defining colors of the upcoming year, which might inspire the tones you include in your landscape. "The 2023 Pantone Color of the Year is Viva Magenta, a beautiful, deep reddish purple," says Sears. To include this "trendy and bright pop of color" in your yard, plant morning glory, sweet William, or zinnias, she suggests.

Add More Fragrance

Upping your garden's fragrance factor is a high-reward goal to aspire to in 2023. Planting several sweet-smelling rose bushes is an easy way to do this, suggests Tamony, noting that garden novices and experts alike turn to this floral to increase their garden's olfactory (and visual) appeal. Beyond in-the-ground options, consider a pink climbing variety, which can grow up to 8 feet tall; it's a perfect option for arbor or pergola coverage.

A male ruby-throated hummingbird was approaching a daylily flower.
A male ruby-throated hummingbird was approaching a daylily flower.


Invite More Pollinators

Birds and insects are integral to our growing landscapes, which is why encouraging these pollinators to stop by and stay awhile should be another key priority. To welcome them to your yard, fill your green space with diverse plant life that doubles as a food source for these creatures. Consider options like black-eyed Susans to bring in more butterflies and daylilies to attract hummingbirds. "It's also about slowing down and observing nature in your garden: What are the birds doing? What plants are the bees and butterflies after?" says Tamony. "We see this trend surging, especially with younger gardeners."

Check Regularly for Pests

Make it a goal to regularly check your houseplants for pests, says Nussman-Berry. Look under leaves for signs of discoloration and webs; identifying them early can help you catch an infestation before it spreads—or possibly kills the plant. "Being vigilant and taking the time to research plant disease and pests can save you time, energy, money, and heartache," she says. "When you notice something off about your plant, ask for tips in a plant group online, read a book, or look up your observations so you know how to handle or treat it."