7 Clutter-Causing Items in Your Closet You Should Throw Away Right Now

Reviewed by Katherine Picott

When was the last time you sorted through your closet to get rid of clutter? If it's been a while, you're going to want to add this task to your to do list in order to streamline your space and set yourself up for organizational success.

"It is recommended to go through your closet ever year and throw out any unused, old, or unwanted items from it," comments Jessica Samson, cleaning expert for The Maids. "If you haven’t used it in two to three years, it is safe to either give it away or throw it away if you need to."

Below are seven items that you will want to part ways with from your closet, according to professional organizers.

Meet the Expert

  • Jessica Samson is a cleaning expert for The Maids.

  • Kenzie Harkey is a professional organizer and the founder of Simply Dare, which operates in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Atlanta, Georgia.

  • Millie Naor is a professional organizer and the founder of Bella Organizers in New York City.

Clothing You No Longer Wear

Unless you have unlimited storage space, it doesn't make sense to hold onto clothing that doesn't suit who you are today.

"Your closet should be a reflection of your current lifestyle and size," says professional organizer Kenzie Harkey of Simply Dare.

This means that it's time to part ways with items that either do not fit or simply don't match your day to day lifestyle, such as suits or blazers from a former profession. Simply can't bare to donate all of these duds?

"If you do fluctuate in sizes and want to hold on to some of these, pull them out and store them elsewhere," Harkey says.

<p>Dana Neely / Getty Images</p>

Dana Neely / Getty Images


It may be tempting to keep that box with old journals and postcards in your closet, but this isn't the place for such mementos, Harkey says.

"Usually closets are prime real estate, so every inch matters," she says. Instead, designate a place for these items elsewhere; you don't need to part with them for good.

"Bulky totes with keepsakes can be a distraction as you're trying to find what to wear for the day, and it's much easier to place these in one central location like a basement, attic, or storage closet," Harkey says.

Items That Need Fixing

You've held onto that bag that needs a new strap or those shoes that need new laces for too long.

"What's the point in keeping these? If you have edited your closet a few times and have consistently kept some of these items but still haven't worn them, it's time to let it go or actually get it fixed," Harkey says. "We're all so busy, so I recommend setting a deadline to get these tasks done and if you can't find the time to do it, cut your losses and move on."

Dry Cleaning Bags

Take your clothes out of their dry cleaning bags as soon as you put them away. After all, as Millie Naor, the founder of Bella Organizers puts it, "Your hanging items don't look as cohesive when there are dry cleaning bags covering them."

Extra Hangers

On a similar note, don't feel compelled to hold onto all of the hangers that come home with you from the dry cleaner's or those that you likely will not ever fill, Naor says. Recycle any hangers that don't work well or have seen better days.

Gifts You Don't Love

Just because a gift came from a loved one, it doesn't mean you have to hold onto it if it doesn't speak to your style.

"We tend to feel bad letting go of these," Naor says. "You should be surrounded by things you love in your home."

<p>Spiderplay / Getty Images</p>

Spiderplay / Getty Images


If old electronics are taking up space in your closet, it's time to take action. Go through your old phone chargers, cables, wires, and laptops, and get rid of any you no longer use.

"I recommend checking the cords and make sure you still need them and they are not outdated," Naor says. "The best thing to do is recycle the electronics or donate usable items."

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