7 Celebs You Totally Forgot Were in <em>Love Actually</em>

Long before there were New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day, Love Actually was basically the OG ensemble cast movie. The beloved rom-com flip-flops between seemingly unrelated characters and their complicated lives until the end when—plot twist—you find out how they were related all along.

Of course, you remember Liam Neeson's character Daniel and his phone tag bud, Karen (Emma Thompson). Keira Knightley's character Juliet would be hard to forget, as would Hugh Grant's adorably clumsy Prime Minster.

VIDEO: Love Actually Is Returning as a Mini Sequel

But we'll bet you didn't remember that January Jones had a part in your fave holiday movie, or that Claudia Schiffer had a role, albeit tiny. Rodrigo Santoro is having a major moment in HBO's new hit series Westworld, but you must have all but forgotten that you actually fell in love with the hunk way back in 2003.

In fact, there are seven (seven!) big names that we'll bet you didn't remember playing a part in the ensemble cast. As you prepare your mind, body, and soul for the Love Actually modern-day "sequel" for Red Nose Day, keep scrolling for a major refresher course.