7 Best Leg Workouts at Home

At this point in our new era of social distancing, the very act of changing out of sweatpants and into workout leggings feels like a monumental feat. But if there was ever a time to start doing leg workouts at home, it’s now.

Aside from its preventing me from turning into a literal couch potato (a fear that is very unscientific yet still keeps me up at night), keeping up with regular exercise is a vital part of staying healthy and strong in these truly unprecedented times. A regular workout routine has obvious body benefits, but maybe even more important right now is the mental health boost and comforting level of structure in our otherwise ambiguous days that committing to a regular sweat will bring.

It’s bleak out there, but there are plenty of silver linings—like the fact that most of us are probably taking more time for ourselves than we have in months. We’re downloading that meditation app, catching up on sleep, cooking our way through Alison Roman’s genius cookbook, face-masking while having a virtual glass of wine with our besties, and putting on those leggings to gear up for an easy at-home workout that will make you feel as if you’ve just conquered Everest.

To make that last bit as easy as possible, we asked Issac Calpito, a certified personal trainer and Obé instructor, for his go-to moves for the best glute and leg workouts at home. You don’t need any equipment—and if you really want, you can even do them in sweatpants.

The Circle

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Obé</cite>
Courtesy of Obé

Start in table top. Secure your core and lengthen your spine. Extend your working leg and point your foot. Make small circles with your inner thigh for 60 seconds, then reverse your circle for another 60 seconds. Switch legs.

The Pulse

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Obé</cite>
Courtesy of Obé

Start in table top. Pull your belly in and make sure your back is flat. Extend your working leg and point your foot. Using small, controlled motions, bring the leg out, then squeeze into the midline. Repeat for two minutes. Switch legs.

The Combo Pulse

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Obé</cite>
Courtesy of Obé

Start in table top. Tuck your pelvis to make sure your back is flat. Extend your working leg and point your foot. Using small, controlled motions, bring the leg out, then squeeze into the midline, then up and down. Repeat for two minutes. Switch legs.

The Slice

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Obé</cite>
Courtesy of Obé

Start in table top. Belly button to spine. Extend your working leg and point your foot. Tap your foot behind your opposite leg and then on the diagonal. Repeat for two minutes. Switch legs.

The Attitude Pulse

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Obé</cite>
Courtesy of Obé

Start in table top. Tuck your pelvis to make sure your back is flat. Open up your working leg so that your thigh is parallel to the floor, and point your foot. Using small, controlled motions, squeeze that booty to lift your leg. Repeat for two minutes. Switch legs.

The Peach Pulse

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Obé</cite>
Courtesy of Obé

Start in table top. Engage your core and extend your working leg and turn your foot out so that your thigh is parallel to the floor. Using small controlled motions, lift your foot. Repeat for two minutes. Switch legs.

The Coupé Attitude Pulse

<cite class="credit">Courtesy of Obé</cite>
Courtesy of Obé

Start in table top. Tuck your pelvis to make sure your back is flat. Bring your working knee into the midline and then back into the diagonal. Repeat for two minutes. Switch legs.

Want more? Obé has tons of amazing virtual workout classes you can stream at home. And right now, they’re offering a 30-day free trial.

Macaela MacKenzie is a senior editor at Glamour.

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Originally Appeared on Glamour