60 People Who Immediately Regretted Literally Every Single Dang Decision They Made Last Month

1.The person who made an absolutely terrible parking choice:

"I picked the wrong place to park," with SUV covered in bird crap
u/lazymusahi / Via reddit.com

2.The person who needs a bag of toiletries to clean up their bag of toiletries:

A toiletry bag that leaked
u/bootyfista / Via reddit.com

3.The person who gave their car a fresh, new paint job:

Person ran over a tube of yellow paint, and it got all over the back of their car
u/mrfujisaki / Via reddit.com

4.The person with the worst luck on planet Earth:

Gatorade bottles stacked in a vending machine so that they can't be released
u/luckstruck2077 / Via reddit.com

5.The person whose tattoo kinda, sorta missed the mark:

"just breath" chest tattoo with a flower, with comment: "Isn't it spelled breathe?"
u/ultimatezebra19 / Via reddit.com

6.The person who will not be opening that door anytime soon:

A flooded yard seen through the glass of a front door

7.The person who, thankfully, found their lost AirPod:

The right bud is in Europe and the left is in the US
u/that_man_stole_toast / Via reddit.com

8.The person who got the greatest gift of all while online shopping:

A box with a piece of stone instead of a tablet
u/junker66 / Via reddit.com

9.The person with the best seat in the house:

A pole blocking someone's view in a theater
u/crankyjack98 / Via reddit.com

10.The person who loves their dog very much, I'm sure:

A straw in a cup right below a dog's butt
u/vjenkinsgo / Via reddit.com

11.The person who might wanna throw their phone in some rice:

A destroyed phone
u/melvsbda / Via reddit.com

12.The person who took a little souvenir home with them from the gas station:

A gas station gas hose dangling out of a car on the road
u/kailswhales / Via reddit.com

13.The person whose custom pens came out way too literal:

Pens with inscription that consists of instructions for what they're supposed to say: "Please add .ca" after the logo so it reads: MyProfessionals.ca"
u/i_luv_coffee14 / Via reddit.com

14.The person whom Mother Nature has cursed:

A car crushed by a tree, with caption "Why me?"

Sorry, bub.

u/masakonbu / Via reddit.com

15.The person who was kind enough to share their coffee with the floor:

Mug in a dispenser with the coffee everywhere but the cup, with caption, "Good morning to me!"
u/mohasz / Via reddit.com

16.The person who will be crowned king should they remove the jar from the sink:

A jar stuck in a sink with a pair of pliers next to it, with caption, "I can't get this jar out of my sink"
u/apothecaryfire / Via reddit.com

17.The person who ain't going nowhere anytime soon:

A key stuck in a car ignition
u/abrectant / Via reddit.com

18.The person whose toilet was kind enough to make them a new indoor pool:

A flooded bathroom with brown water up to the toilet seat
u/endersgame_reviewer / Via reddit.com

19.The person whose toaster shall toast no more:

A toaster on fire on the grass
u/wessel-p / Via reddit.com

20.The person who pulled their dang oven apart:

An oven with a shattered front door, with caption, "I didn't realize ovens could lock, so I kept pulling"
u/mrmackz / Via reddit.com

21.The person who got a little extra flavor in their morning cup of tea:

A cup with just a bit of liquid and clumps at the bottom, with caption, "I almost finished the whole thing before I noticed the milk had turned"
u/Beautiful_Speed_1979 / Via reddit.com

22.The person who just used a water fountain from the Middle Ages:

A moldy water fountain, with caption, "Took a big, long sip and immediately saw this"
u/mr_lunt / Via reddit.com

23.The person who is stuck in highway purgatory:

Two parallel trucks on a two-lane road as seen from the driver's seat of a car behind them, with caption, "It's been like this for the past 20 miles"
u/andrewlampart / Via reddit.com

24.The person who will never trust a robot again:

A car stuck in the grass, with caption, "I followed my outdated GPS and this happened"
u/emoryofgraham / Via reddit.com

25.The person who ate peanut butter straight out of Horemheb's tomb:

An arrow pointing to an expiration date of October 2018 on a jar of peanut butter, with caption, "I was wondering why I was running to the bathroom every 10 minutes"
u/Glittering_Fig6468 / Via reddit.com

26.The person who will never, ever trust an apple again:

An apple with a rotten center, with caption, "I wasn't paying attention while eating an apple when I saw this"
u/--Icarusfalls-- / Via reddit.com

27.The person whose smoke alarm became the one thing it swore not to become:

A burnt smoke detector
u/deliciousgorilla / Via reddit.com

28.The person whose car got absolutely demolished by an innocent rock:

"I hit a rock" caption with a shattered car's front window
u/redfoxdance / Via reddit.com

29.The person who got a little extra protein with their salad:

A dead cockroach amid the dregs of someone's salad
u/vintagepop / Via reddit.com

30.The person whose pizza is ashamed and hiding in the corner:

Pizza on the floor in front of an oven, with caption, "My pizza slid right off the pan"
u/snakes_on_a_plate / Via reddit.com

31.The person whose avocados have seen things...terrible things:

A plastic bag filled with extremely moldy avocados
u/AwarenessPrudent2689 / Via reddit.com

32.The person who is about to lose and lose hard:

A person playing Scrabble with these letters: "IIEIEIE," each worth 1 point
u/nutaroo / Via reddit.com

33.The person with the mintiest bug around:

A dead bug in someone's toothbrush, with caption, "Yes, it ruined my day"
u/EndersGame_Reviewer / Via reddit.com

34.The person whose pan got a little extra seasoning:

A melted Target bag on a pan, with caption, "Always check if something is in your oven"
u/Kitty_Katty_Kit / Via reddit.com

35.The person who had this bountiful harvest:

Someone's jalapeño harvest in their palm, consisting of three tiny peppers
u/johnson7853 / Via reddit.com

36.The person who might want to watch their sodium:

A pile of salt (and a lid) on someone's pasta, with caption, "The salt lid fell off"
u/slimedewnautica / Via reddit.com

37.The person who will never tamper with dark-sided stuff again:

A post about a "grown ass man" in his mid-20s who said "Bloody Mary" in the mirror in a dark room, like the  urban legend, and his timed air freshener  that has a red glow went off, and the "room lit up like the entrance to hell," and he pissed himself

38.The person who is fighting and losing against the sun:

Arrow pointing to a sun spot on a pillow on a bed, with caption, "This hits me directly in the eye every single morning"
u/Casual_Tourettes / Via reddit.com

39.The person who got their chips...but at what cost?

A person who kept banging on the vending machine to get their stuck chips until the glass broke
u/spookster122 / Via reddit.com

40.The person who will now be enjoying a cup of marshmallows:

A small mug of cocoa with a mountain of mini marshmallows and the caption, "They just all came out"
u/deadeagle63 / Via reddit.com

41.The person who gave the neighbors a free concert:

"I was watching porn one summer day after a home party; after many attempts to troubleshoot why I had no volume, I heard faint sounds from downstairs and realized I was blasting pornographic audio out of my apartment, windows open, at 7am"

42.The person who likes their coffee extra vegetable-y:

"Mistakes were made this morning" caption with view of two identical-looking containers in the fridge, one of organic almond milk and another of vegetable stock
u/jethronu11 / Via reddit.com

43.The person who was betrayed by the porch they love the most:

"I hit my head every single time I leave my porch," showing a man who's too tall for the ceiling of his porch
u/cwajgapls / Via reddit.com

44.The person who shared the wonders of technology with some ants:

"There are ANTS in my ROUTER," showing a router with tiny ants all over it
u/thalsit / Via reddit.com

45.The person who got a little something extra with their heater:

Snakes of different sizes on the floor, with caption, "I bought a heater from someone on Marketplace and all these guys came out when I turned it on"
u/185four / Via reddit.com

46.The person whose day is on a level we could never understand:

"Someone is having a very rough day," with a set of false teeth and a car key on a pole in the grass
u/-crowley_ / Via reddit.com

47.The person who will be forever trapped in that elevator:

English lit professor's text: "I've been stuck in an elevator for the last half hour in University Hall — and no sign of getting out in time for lecture; therefore, today's lecture is canceled"
u/keithimgay / Via reddit.com

48.The person who likes their coffee extra gritty:

A store-bought cup of coffee that's been drunk and has a bunch of coffee grinds in it
u/cmag_79 / Via reddit.com

49.The person who's about to try a fun new kind of wasp-flavored boba tea:

A wasp in someone's straw sticking out of the lid of a cup
u/skifree7 / Via reddit.com

50.The person who's going to be dodging jellyfish all afternoon:

"I just wanted to swim" caption with a "Portuguese man-of-war" sign sticking out of the sand on a beach
u/hawaiiinsomniac / Via reddit.com

51.The person who is about to make the greatest teaspoon of soup you'll ever see:

A person holding a tiny pot, with caption, "Always double-check whatever you're buying online"
u/gnarkelly / Via reddit.com

52.The person who got a special surprise in their pizza:

A nail in someone's pizza, with caption, "So that's what hurt my tooth"
u/gyrozeppeliistaken / Via reddit.com

53.The person whose day did not go eggsactly as planned:

"Don't ask" caption, with scores of egg yolks scattered on a kitchen floor
u/bugminer / Via reddit.com

54.The person who just made an enemy for life in the form of a seagull:

Person failed driving test because a seagull "did a massive shit on the windscreen" just as they were coming to a junction; the windscreen wiper made a paste and they took too long 'cause they couldn't see, but examiner said they were "otherwise perfect"

55.The person who owes their firstborn to the library:

"Public Library Update" shows fines and fees of $922
u/TheTrueChickenKing / Via reddit.com

56.The person whose ham looks as if it came straight from the devil's behind:

A gross, charred ham in pieces
u/queenhotsnakes / Via reddit.com

57.The person whose mint plants just got a special fertilizer:

A dog pooping in their owner's garden plants, with caption, "I love him, feed him, give him extra treats, make sure he gets enough exercise — and he shits in my mint"

58.The person whose dogs, I'm sure, have been barkin' all night:

"It's been a long night" caption, showing bare feet with deep indentations across the front, next to a pair of uncomfortable boots with rows of thin straps
u/XxXtrikshot42069XxX / Via reddit.com

59.The person whose car now belongs to the wasps:

A wasp nest in someone's car door handle
u/breezeblender / Via reddit.com

60.And Randall:

Sign: "Please do not put anything except garbage and recycle items down the chutes; someone put a vacuum cleaner down the recycle and it almost hit Randall on the head; this is dangerous — please stop!!!"
u/eightsevenfox / Via reddit.com