60 Minutes Shares What Happened to the Rescued ‘Tiger King’ Tigers

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During quarantine, many of us survived by binging on Netflix shows like Tiger King...we just couldn't get enough of Joe Exotic's over the top personality and crazy lifestyle. Without him and Carol Baskin, my days would've been a lot more boring!

60 Minutes did a short clip on what happened to the tigers of Tiger King at the end of January 2024. One of the show's news reporters named Jon Wertheim visited the sanctuary the tigers were relocated to, The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado, and things have really changed for these tigers.

Pretty interesting, huh? It's hard to believe that beautiful tiger weighed two hundred pounds less than he was supposed to when he first got to the rescue back in 2021! It's heartwarming to know that these tigers are now living much more freely and have room to roam around and play. It's much different than living in a cage that only allowed them to move 10 paces before they had to turn around. 60 Minutes fans left more than 1,900 comments about the rescue of these tigers. @Julie got nearly 21 thousand likes for her comment, "We need a Netflix series about the rescue and recovery of these animals. Surviving Tiger King". @zachdowney75 shared, "The REAL Tiger King", and another commenter added, "This is a gentleman who deserves a Netflix series, not Joe. Steve Irwin would be extremely proud of this gentleman".

Related: Tiger King's' Carole Baskin Is Making a Huge Move with Big Cat Rescue

Where Is Joe Exotic Now?

Did you watch Tiger King? I was hooked! The show dropped on Netflix in late March of 2020 about Joe Exotic (real name Joseph Maldonado-Passage...not nearly as exciting) the eccentric owner of tigers on a Ranch in Oklahoma, his crazy life, and his rival Carol Baskin (who Joe swore fed her missing ex-husband to her tigers). The show was a wild ride and kept many of us entertained during those long days of quarantine. It was one of those shows that you think that things couldn't get any weirder, but then they did.

In January 2020, Joe was sentenced to 22 years in prison for attempting to hire two men to murder Carol Baskin. He's currently serving his sentence at Federal Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas. He announced he'd be putting in a 2024 presidential bid back in 2023 as a Libertarian, but we haven't heard much else about it since then.

I think a follow up Netflix show - or at least an episode or two - about what Joe is up to would be entertaining. The man definitely loves being in the spotlight, and any profits made from the show could be donated to the rescue sanctuary all of his cats are now living at.

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