6 Ways to Wake Up Without Coffee

From Sweet

Energy Tip No. 1: Keep an Energy Journal

"For energy management, designate a certain time-a week or so-to observe energy spikes at different times of the day," says Dr. Serena Wadhwa, a clinical therapist and assistant professor at Governors State University in Chicago. "This gives an idea of the body's natural flow, which helps you schedule activities around these times, if applicable."

Energy Tip No. 2: Eat a Balanced Breakfast

A meal that includes protein, fat, and fiber will jump-start your body so you can remain energized for a longer period of time. "Carbs, sugar, and caffeine can spike and crash blood sugar levels, so try to watch the consumption of these," Wadhwa says. If you need more help determining what and what not to eat for breakfast, consult your doctor or nutritionist.

Energy Tip No. 3: Stay Hydrated

Water helps your body keep its balance, so of course it could have an effect on how awake you feel. "Water tends to maintain energy levels, as dehydration can affect one's mood and states," Wadhwa says. Make drinking water fun by getting a cool water bottle or a mug that amuses you.

Energy Tip No. 4: Take a Walk

Any type of motion will bring you back up to functioning speed. "A brief walk, five jumping jacks, or even a yoga pose can help," says Scott Spackey, author and international addiction and habit specialist. Spackey suggests doing a mild motion activity of 5 to 10 minutes.

Energy Tip No. 5: To Stay Up All Night, Take a Nap

"Go for a 'wakeful' power nap that lasts 5 to 15 minutes in relaxing quietude to help recharge your batteries," Spackey says. So, if you anticipate having a late night with friends, consider this a disco nap of sorts.

Energy Tip No. 6: Just Breathe

Sometimes staying awake can be as easy as inhaling. "There are a couple of breathing techniques designed to help with energy, because having more oxygen in the blood helps with alertness," says Wadhwa. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm to get the most impact. "Breathing techniques can be done anytime and anywhere to stimulate the nervous system and brain neurons."