6 Things I'm Excited For In "Obi-Wan Kenobi" And 6 Things I Dread

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Everyone is excited to welcome Ewan McGregor back into the Star Wars universe in his titled role of Obi-Wan Kenobi on May 27th.


Here are some things I feel could make or break the show, the same way I was worried about The Book of Boba Fett:

1.MAKE: Give us a different Obi-Wan.

Obi Wan looks down

2.BREAK: We get a nostalgia act for Revenge of the Sith fans.

20th Century FOX

Like any story, the "fighting and action" matters less than the main character's story. Let the focus be on Obi-Wan's growth/decline and less about trying to recapture the duels in Revenge of the Sith.

Obi-Wan even says in the teaser that "the fight is done," so I hope this show isn't action-heavy for his character. Other characters can be shown fighting the Empire, but Obi-Wan needs to keep his head down. The teaser gives me a lot of confidence, and I think the show will dive into the need for Obi-Wan to help others selflessly.

Give us the drama of Obi-Wan thinking about the good old days with Anakin and his regret, thinking about how he could have done better preventing his student's fall. Let the universe (and action) keep turning without Obi-Wan and the Jedi.

3.MAKE: The Inquisitors are menacing and calculated.

An Inquisitor holds a spinning red lightsaber

4.BREAK: The Inquisitors become nothing more than Saturday morning cartoon villains.

Group W Productions

No offense to Skeletor, but I am very worried Kenobi and Vader are too big for the Inquisitors. They are literally going to be standing in the shadow of fan favorites, so I hope they don't become those characters that always come just short of getting the good guys while slipping on a banana peel. Give them some wins. It doesn't have to be against the main characters, but give them something to do if they are meant to carry the show as the primary bad guys.

(This is all assuming Vader's presence is limited.)

And, oh boy, am I, too, worried about those Inquisitor character designs. I'll hold my judgment until I see them in action.

5.MAKE: A Vader-Kenobi showdown IF they can do it without obliterating the timeline.

Obi-Wan holds blue lightsaber against a red lightsaber

6.BREAK: Too much Vader in an Obi-Wan show.


Yes, you could have too much of a good thing. Vader is famous for only having limited screen time in A New Hope (17 minutes, I believe), so it should be the same way, ESPECIALLY since he won't even be the main villain if we are following the deeds of the Inquisitors.

I don't know if I'm in the minority, but give me Hayden Christensen in flashbacks or visions as pre-Vader Anakin. I'd prefer that over more Vader "swinging lightsaber" cutscenes.

7.MAKE: This will sound silly...but having "a point" to a show other than us all loving Ewan McGregor as Kenobi.

Obi-Wan riding an animal in the desert

8.BREAK: Too much filler in a show that doesn't need it.


Shots of Jakku, like the one above, are great and necessary for a new planet, but my God, we are on Tatooine...again. What more do we need to see? No need for unnecessary filler shots. This is a limited series anyway, just tell the story without any distractions. The story should go through Obi-Wan, and not waste too much time on side quests.

I love a slow pace, but do it with character development and story-telling. Make every beat count.

9.MAKE: Please, for the love of the Force, develop your new characters like they are important and not just "along for the ride" or one-shot comic book villains.

Inquisitor in a city

10.BREAK: The Mandalorian learns how to time travel and hijacks another show.


I joke, of course, but you know what I mean. Not everything has to be a crossover leading to a surprise returning character. Listen, Marvel does a great job with connected universes, but not everything needs to be that formula. If they veer away from telling Obi-Wan's story as they did with Boba Fett in his show, it could really sink the series fast.

If they go that route, I fear that these Star Wars shows will be giving too much service to the fans, caring less about trying to create a bold new vision.

Just because I have watched it for the first time recently, it's a good example of what I mean: the film The Batman shows you can take something that is played, and breathe new life into it, all while still making it feel loyal to the source material.

11.MAKE: Kenobi "dies" because he kind of has to die.

Obi-Wan in a hood

12.BREAK: Obi-Wan carelessly leaves Luke

SpongeBob "imma head out" meme

Are you excited about the Obi-Wan Kenobi show? As a Star Wars fan, do you have any concerns? Comment below!