6 Things Cats 'Absolutely Hate' Makes Total Sense

When it comes to having a cat, we all know that they can be kind of particular about the things they do and don’t like. From where they want to be touched to the sound levels of the house they live in, there are several things that most cats seem to absolutely hate. One Tik Tok member created a list of a few things that would fall under that category—and for the most part, it makes total sense.

One thing that cats hate for sure is a dirty litter box. It can not only stress them out, but the bacteria can make them sick. A clean litter box equals a happy cat!

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Another tip given was about something we probably never thought of before. While humans may love the smell of citrus, the scent is actually repugnant to cats. They can’t stand the smell! Keep the lemon and orange scents to a minimum around your kitty, or they may start to hide.

One more thing that may startle your cat are loud noises. Cats have sensitive ears, so keeping any loud noises down will be sure to keep them feeling calm. This is a given for any animal!

While the first three tips are definitely helpful for a cat, the last three points are much to be debated. In the comments section, cat owners disproved some of the Tik Tok user’s tips. One was that cats hate getting baths. In fact, many cats enjoy taking baths. The warm water must feel nice for them!

The Tik Tok user also said that cats hate belly rubs because they are sometimes a prey animal in the wild. While this may be true for some more shy cats, this isn’t the case for many house cats out there. Plenty of people in the comments section said that their cats actually roll over looking for a belly rub!

The final tip given was about cats and car rides. Car rides sometimes seriously stress out a cat; they may start meowing loudly or even howling because they aren’t sure what’s going on. We can definitely see where car rides could be scary, but others said that their cats don’t mind car rides.

These tips were super helpful just as a guide for making sure your cat stays comfortable, but above all, you know your cat the best!

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