6 Reasons Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Are Turning Brown

<p>The Spruce / Leticia Almeida</p>

The Spruce / Leticia Almeida

Reviewed by Kathleen Miller

Fiddle leaf figs are notorious for being a bit finicky and tricky to care for. They don’t enjoy sudden changes in their growing environment and have been known to drop leaves quite suddenly and dramatically if their needs aren’t met. To a certain extent, losing a few leaves here and there is no reason for panic and is generally to be expected when it comes to caring for any plant, whether it's growing indoors or outdoors. However, if you notice that your fiddle leaf fig is consistently developing brown leaves, then it’s likely that there is an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.

There are several reasons that a fiddle leaf fig may begin to develop brown leaves or brown spots on its leaves. Here are the top 6 reasons that your fiddle leaf fig leaves are turning brown and what to do about it.

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Fiddle leaf figs are particular about their water needs and underwatering will quickly lead to brown, crispy leaves. These tropical trees should be watered regularly and the soil should never be allowed to dry out fully. Also, ensure that you are watering your tree deeply during each watering. This means that the soil is being saturated with water and then the excess water is being drained from the pot through the drainage hole.


While underwatering can lead to a fiddle leaf fig developing brown leaves, so can overwatering. Confusing, we know. If your fiddle leaf fig is being overwatered, it is definitely something that you want to address and fix right away as overwatering can quickly lead to root rot which can kill your tree. If you suspect overwatering is the culprit, it is best to repot your fiddle leaf fig so that you can check the roots over for signs of root rot. You can also provide your tree with fresh soil to remove any excess water from the pot.

Overwatering can happen for a number of reasons, but most commonly it's a result of watering too frequently or a lack of adequate drainage. Ensure that the soil is partially dried between waterings and that your fiddle leaf fig is planted in a soil mix that is amended with plenty of perlite to increase drainage. Also, your fiddle leaf fig should always be planted in a pot with a drainage hole to allow excess water to escape the pot.

Lack of Humidity

These trees are native to warm, humid environments and although they do well in most household humidity levels if the air is too dry they are likely to develop brown, crispy leaves. Try increasing the humidity around your fiddle leaf fig by placing a small humidifier nearby. Fiddle leaf figs should also be kept away from any air vents or drafty windows which will dry out the air significantly around the tree.

Leaf Burn

While fiddle leaf figs enjoy lots of bright light they are susceptible to leaf burn if they are exposed to prolonged periods of harsh direct sunlight. Leaf burn will present as brown, crispy spots on the tree’s leaves in the areas where the sunlight hits. Any fiddle leaf fig with signs of leaf burn should be moved immediately so that no further damage can occur. Alternatively, direct sunlight can be diffused using a sheer curtain or window film. Keep in mind that these trees prefer bright, indirect light when grown indoors.

Lack of Light

Usually, a lack of light will result in the lower leaves of a fiddle leaf fig turning yellow, but it can also cause brown leaves so it’s important to be aware of it. A fiddle leaf fig tree that is not getting enough sunlight is also more susceptible to overwatering since a tree receiving more light will use more water than a tree receiving less light. This means, for example, that if you have two fiddle leaf figs in your home and one is in a brighter location it will need to be watered more often than the other. Watering both at the same time will cause the second tree to become overwatered. All of this is to say that brown spots due to a lack of light can go hand in hand with brown spots due to overwatering. Ensure that your fiddle leaf fig is receiving several hours of bright, indirect light. Usually, this requires that the tree is within a couple of feet of a bright window.

Pests and Diseases

The fiddle leaf fig plant is relatively resistant to insect pests and diseases. However, it's recommended to check for aphids, thrips, scale, mealybugs, and spider mites, like with other houseplants.  A surefire sign of spider meets is any hit of webbing in the form of thin, silky strands. Mealybugs will leave a white residue, and other pests will leave holes and tears in the foliage. All of these signs will eventually give way to browning and dying areas of the plant.

Some potential diseases that a fiddle leaf fig might succumb to include fungal and bacterial infections. Bacterial leaf spot is brownish in color and usually found on newer leaves.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does an overwatered fiddle leaf fig look like?

An overwatered fiddle leaf fig will have brown spots or brown shaded areas in the middle of the leaves. The browning may also run along the edges. Dropping lower leaves is also a sign the plant is overly saturated.

How often should I water a fiddle leaf fig?

It's important to water fiddle leaf figs to ensure that they are not under or overly saturated. Water regularly and deeply, and do not let the soil dry out fully between irrigations. Typically this will be about once a week or more.

How can I tell if brown spots on a fiddle leaf fig are caused by a bacterial infection?

Leaf spots that result from a bacterial infection are often more brown than black. They are usually found on younger leaves or any kind of new growth. The margins are irregular, and they can be on any part of the leaf.

Should I remove browning leaves from a fiddle leaf fig?

If root rot or a bacterial infection is causing your browning leaves, it's recommended to remove them before they spread to healthy areas of the plant. Additionally, if the leaves are completely dried out, they will not come back and can be pruned. If the leaves are just yellowing and still alive, you can leave them and try to remedy the cause instead of immediately clipping.

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Read the original article on The Spruce.