These $6 Pore Strips Worked So Well, I'm Actually Grossed Out By the Results


Courtesy of Merchant

As a resident member of the oily, acne-prone skin club, I'm a devoted pore strip user. My fandom dates back to my teen years, when I'd always keep a box onhand of whatever drugstore option was most popular (and affordable) at the time. While there's been debate over whether or not pore strips can harm the skin barrier, beauty brands like Starface are swaying popular opinion with the gentle yet effective Lift Off Pore Strips — and personally speaking, they're the best I've ever tried (Buy It, $6,

Each box contains eight pore strips that instantly clear out any dirt, oil, and gunk that's nestled deep into your pores, i.e. the culprit behind unwanted blackheads and breakouts. Not only do they look cuter than your average pore strips thanks to an adorable smiley face pattern, but each bright yellow patch is infused with two soothing ingredients that protect your skin during the gunk removal process: aloe vera extract, an anti-inflammatory ingredient used to heal burns, boost hydration, and manage oil production; and witch hazel, a medicinal herb that combats inflammation, redness, and irritation to leave skin feeling soft and smooth after every peel-off. (Related: Everything You Need to Know About Getting Rid of Blackheads.)

Starface Lift Off Pore Strips Review
Starface Lift Off Pore Strips Review

Courtesy of Merchant

Buy It: Starface Lift Off Pore Strips, $6,

Ever since my first use of the pore strips, I've come to rely on them to clear any grime my go-to clay masks missed, or during periods where I'm wearing a lot of makeup, resulting in larger-than-life pores. I'm continually blown away by the results; not only is there a gross (yet satisfying) amount of gunk leftover on the strip, but my skin doesn't feel dried out or tight like it has with other options in the past. (FYI, editor's also love this device to magically erase pores.)

Starface Lift Off Pore Strips Review
Starface Lift Off Pore Strips Review

Courtesy of Maya Gandara

While pore strips are not a permanent fix for skin concerns, applying them once or twice a week can help steer your skin in the right direction — or even act as a quick pick-me-up for moments your skin needs it. Just make sure not to overdo it: The strip's adhesive acts as a magnet for all the dirt embedded in your pores, which can lead your skin to overcompensate if stripped too often, according to a previous interview with Sapna Palep, M.D., a New York-based dermatologist.

One final note: While I hope my photo is enough to prove the Lift Off Pore Strips actually work, further evidence of their effectiveness can be found within the dozens of glowing reviews from shoppers on the brand website. (BTW, Here's How to Safely Use a Comedone Extractor on Blackheads and Whiteheads)

If you're ready to see the results yourself, grab a box of the Starface Lift Off Pore Strips for $6 each — I promise you won't regret it.